geryit (Mising) [ Roman: ger.yit]
Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-29
English: habit,
Assamese: অভ্যাস,
Bodo: आख`ल, आखु, गान्नाय जोमनाय, जी- जोम, मावसर’, हुदा,
Mising: geryit,
Khasi: ka jingriam,
Garo: bewal, dakrongani,
Meeteilon: heinabi,
Karbi: Abeh, alenta, Beh, আলেন্তা,
Nagamese: adat, obhyas,
Dimasa: baishi, baisi,
Deori: চেউ
Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-29
geryit (Mising) [ Roman: ger.yit]
Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-29
1. Art and Culture(Abstract Noun) an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary নিয়মিত ভাৱে কৰি থকা আচৰণ, যি এটা সময়ত স্বভাৱগত হৈ পৰে
Assamese: অভ্যাস,
Bodo: आख`ल, आखु, गान्नाय जोमनाय, जी- जोम, मावसर’, हुदा,
Mising: geryit,
Khasi: ka jingriam,
Garo: bewal, dakrongani,
Meeteilon: heinabi,
Karbi: Abeh, alenta, Beh, আলেন্তা,
Nagamese: adat, obhyas,
Dimasa: baishi, baisi,
Deori: চেউ
Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-29
2. (Verbal Noun) repeat a work to improve skill. পাৰদৰ্শিতা বঢ়াবৰ কাৰণে একেটা কামকে বাৰে-বাৰে কৰা।