Mashing thibamasi masi

masi (Khasi)
Contributed by: Banlambha Warjri on 2008-01-24
1. (Common Noun) two horned, herbivorous domestic animal domesticated for milk, running plough etc. গাখীৰৰ কাৰণে বা হাল বোৱাৰ বাবে পোহা দুটা শিং থকা এবিধ তৃণভোজী, ঘৰচীয়া জন্তু
English: cow,
Assamese: গবী, গো, গৰু,
Bodo: मोसौ,
Mising:, sobe,
Khasi: ka masi, masi,
Garo: matchu bima,
Meeteilon: shanbi,
Mizo (Lushai): tizâm, vau zâm,
Karbi: chainong, chorong, hama, tsorong, চৰং,
Kok-Borok: musuk,
Nagamese: gai, goru, guru,
Dimasa: mushu,
Ao: mase,
Tai: হু,
Hindi: गाय,
Rabha: মাছু,
Tiwa: masu’,
Deori: মুচু,
Tanchangya: guru

Different POS:

a. Common Noun-Masculine: cattleman, cowboy, cowherd, cowman, herdsman...

Opp. Gender:

b. Common Noun-Masculine: bull, bullock, ox, ঋষভ, গোনাথ...
c. Common Noun-Feminine: cow, অনড্বাহী, গবী, গাই, গাইগৰু...

Super Idea:

d. Common Noun: animal, beast, ইতৰ প্ৰাণী, জন্তু, জানোৱাৰ...

Contributed by: Banlambha Warjri on 2008-01-24
2. (Common Noun-Feminine) the female of cow, a two horned domestic animal domesticated primarily for milk. প্ৰধানকৈ গাখীৰৰ বাবে পোহা মাইকী গৰু।

masi (Dimasa)
Contributed by: Kulendra Daulagupu on 2009-08-19
3. (Adposition-Common) indefinite article , not any particular or certain one of a class or group. অনিৰ্দিষ্টবাচক অৰ্থত, কোনো শ্ৰেণী বা গোটৰ মাজত নিৰ্দিষ্ট নোহোৱাকৈ৷
English: a, an, one,
Assamese: আখেন bo , এখন, এজন, এটা, এডাল,
Dimasa: gongsi, klepsi, masi, saosi, se,
Deori: মুজা,
Santali: miṭ