
resume (English) [ IPA: rɪˈzuːm ASM: ৰিজিউম]
Contributed by: Ranjita Pegu on 2007-01-29
1. (Abstract Noun) A short piece of writing containing the main ideas from a longer document কোনো লেখনি বা বক্তৃতাৰ মূল আৰু সাৰগৰ্ভ অংশখিনি চমুৱাই লিখা বা কোৱা

Contributed by: Ranjita Pegu on 2007-01-29
2. (Verb-Trans.) to continue sth that was paused
English: resume,
Bodo: फिनजागाय,
Khasi: shim pat,
Garo: ka.taia

Related Idea:

a. Verb-Trans.: reboot, restart, পুনৰাম্ভ কৰ্...

Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2010-10-07
3. (Abstract Noun) a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs and sometimes also your personal interests, which you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job. সাধাৰণতে পদৰ আৱেদনৰ লগত দিয়া, প্ৰাৰ্থীৰ যোগ্যতা, অভিজ্ঞতা আৰু জীৱনৰ চমু বিৱৰণ৷