
um (Khasi)
Ref: Anglo-Khasi Dictionary by U. E. Blah
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) A clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid, H2O, essential for most plant and animal life. প্ৰায় সকলো উদ্ভিদ আৰু প্ৰাণীৰ বাবে অপৰিহাৰ্য্য স্বচ্ছ, বৰণহীন, গন্ধহীন আৰু স্বাদহীন জুলীয়া পদাৰ্থ

ûm (Hmar)
Contributed by: judith keivom on 2009-01-05
2. Vegetables(Common Noun) Any of several trailing or climbing plants related to the pumpkin, squash, and cucumber and bearing fruits with a hard rind. NULL
English: gourd,
Assamese: লাউ, লাও,
Bodo: लाव,
Mising: ejuk, tapa, tepung,
Khasi: u klong,
Garo: lau,
Karbi: bonglang,
Hmar: ûm,
Nagamese: binglao, lao, pani lao,
Dimasa: melao, milao,
Bangla: কদুcb syl , লাউ,
Nepali: लौकी

Related Idea:

a. Material Noun-Neuter: laotai...
b. Common Noun-Common: pumpkin, মিঠালাউ, ৰঙালাউ, ৰঙালাও, ৰাঙা লাউ ...
c. Common Noun: bottle gourd, calabash, lagenaria siceraria, জাতিলাউ, জাতিলাও...