
ঘনতাold (Assamese) [ Roman: gho.no.ta]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2009-02-19
1. (Abstract Noun) The degree to which something is filled or occupied; a measure of the quantity of some physical property (usually mass) per unit length, area, or volume (usually volume). ডাঠ গুণ বা অবস্থা; একক দৈৰ্ঘ্য, কালি অথবা আয়তনত থকা কোনো ভৌতিক ৰাশিৰ পৰিমাণ ৷
English: density,
Assamese: ঘনতাold , ঘনত্ব

Different POS:

a. Verbal Adj.: compact, crowded, dense, packed, অটব্য...