compliant (English) [ IPA: [compliant] ASM: কমপ্লাইএণ্ট]
Contributed by: Dr. Neelotpal Deka, LL.M. (IT & IP Law, UK) on 2007-07-06
compliant (English) [ IPA: [compliant] ASM: কমপ্লাইএণ্ট]
Contributed by: Dr. Neelotpal Deka, LL.M. (IT & IP Law, UK) on 2007-07-06
1. (Proper Adj.-Common) (usually disapproving) willing to agree with other people or to obey rules আনৰ সৈতে একমত হ’বলৈ বা নিয়ম মানি চলিবলৈ ইচ্ছা কৰা