surrounded (English) [ IPA: səˈræʊndɪd ASM: চাৰাউণ্ডেড]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-02-21
English: covered, surrounded,
Assamese: আচ্ছন্ন, আচ্ছাদিত, আবৃত, পৰিৱেষ্টিত, সমাবৃত,
Bodo: खोबथेनाय, बेंखन
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-02-21
English: encircled, surrounded,
Assamese: পৰিবৃত, পৰিবেষ্টিত,
Bodo: बेंजाबाइ,
Garo: changduula, maikoba duula,
Dimasa: gajepjaobah
surrounded (English) [ IPA: səˈræʊndɪd ASM: চাৰাউণ্ডেড]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-02-21
1. (Verbal Adj.) Having a layer or amount of something over it. ঢাকি ৰখা, বেৰি ধৰা ।
Assamese: আচ্ছন্ন, আচ্ছাদিত, আবৃত, পৰিৱেষ্টিত, সমাবৃত,
Bodo: खोबथेनाय, बेंखन
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-02-21
2. (Verbal Adj.) enclosed or confined on all sides so as to bar escape or outside communication or to save. চাৰিওফালে বেৰা হৈ থকা; অৰ্থাৎ চাৰিওফালৰ পৰা আৱৰি/আগুৰি থকা।
Assamese: পৰিবৃত, পৰিবেষ্টিত,
Bodo: बेंजाबाइ,
Garo: changduula, maikoba duula,
Dimasa: gajepjaobah