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Items in Microbes

1. Microbes(Common Noun) a sub-microscopic particle (ranging in size from 20 - 300 nm) that can infect the cells of a biological organism. এবিধ অতি ক্ষুদ্ৰ আনুবীক্ষণিক পদাৰ্থকণা যি জীৱকোষ আক্ৰমণ কৰিব পাৰে
English: virus,
Assamese: বিষাণু, ভাইৰাচ

Super Idea:

a. Common Noun: germ, microbe, microorganism, অণুজীৱ, জীৱাণু...

2. Microbes(Common Noun) any organism too small to be viewed by the unaided eye, as bacteria, protozoa, and some fungi and algae. যন্ত্ৰৰ সহায় নোলোৱাকৈ খালী চকুৰে নেদেখা অতি ক্ষুদ্ৰ জীৱ, যেনেঃ বেক্টেৰিয়া, প্ৰট’জোৱা, কেতবোৰ ভেঁকুৰ, আদি।
English: germ, microbe, microorganism,
Assamese: অণুজীৱ, জীৱাণু, বীজাণু,
Bodo: गाजा, गाज्लि,
Garo: bitchil,
Hmar: natna hrik,
Nagamese: bemar poka, puk

Sub Idea:

a. Common Noun: virus, বিষাণু, ভাইৰাচ...
b. Common Noun: bacteria, bacterium, বেক্টেৰিয়া, बेराम जाहोग्रा जिउसा, hrikchi hrang hrang...

3. Microbes(Common Noun) A tape or ribbon type parasite that find hosts in human beings and other vertebrates.
English: cestoda, cestoidea, tapeworm,
Assamese: ফিটাপেলু,
Karbi: pok-hilong chonghep,
Dimasa: hosrangma

4. Microbes(Common Noun) a single-celled, free-living or parasitic microorganism without distinct well-developed nuclei or organized cell structures. মুক্তজীৱী অথবা পৰজীৱী এবিধ এককোষী আনুবীক্ষণীক জীৱ বা অনুজীৱ যাৰ নিৰ্দ্দিষ্ট সুবিকশিত কোষকেন্দ্ৰ নাথাকে আৰু কোষৰ গঠন সু-সংগঠিত নহয় ৷
English: bacteria, bacterium,
Assamese: বেক্টেৰিয়া,
Bodo: बेराम जाहोग्रा जिउसा,
Mizo (Lushai): hrikchi hrang hrang,
Nepali: जीवाणु

Super Idea:

a. Common Noun: germ, microbe, microorganism, অণুজীৱ, জীৱাণু...

5. Microbes(Common Noun-Common) A member of the virus family Flaviviridae and the genus Flavivirus, transmitted by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes, such as A. aegypti and A. albopictus. জিকা ৰোগ সৃষ্টিৰ বাবে দায়ী এবিধ ভাইৰাচ৷
English: zika virus,
Assamese: জিকা, জিকা ভাইৰাচ

6. MicrobesLiver fluke is a collective name of a polyphyletic group of parasitic trematodes under the phylum Platyhelminthes. They are principally parasites of the liver of various mammals, including humans. Capable... from
English: liver fluke,
Assamese: যকৃত কৃমি