
pet (English) [ IPA: ˈpet ASM: পেট]
Contributed by: Ranjit Kr. Das on 2008-08-05
1. (Proper Adj.-Common) adapted (an animal) to live in close association with human beings and kept for companionship or amusement. মানুহৰ সৈতে বাস কৰিবলৈ নিজকে খাপ খুৱাই লোৱা আৰু সঙ্গ বা আমোদৰ বাবে ৰখা(জন্তু)|

pet (Mising) [ Roman: pet]
Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2022-12-25
2. (Verb-Trans.) To clean a surface by using a cleaning device in a sweeping motion.
English: broom, sweep,
Assamese: জাৰ্, ঝাড়ু দে, ঝাৰ্, মচ্‌, মোছ, সাৰ্,
Bodo: सिब,
Mising: pet,
Khasi: sar,
Karbi: karkok,
Dimasa: shep, sip, sipkhlai, sipkhu,
Deori: হিচে

pet (Nagamese)
Contributed by: Temsunungsang T on 2008-04-27
3. Anatomy(Material Noun-Neuter) the front or under part of a vertebrate body from the breastbone to the pelvis, containing the abdominal viscera মেৰুদণ্ডী প্ৰাণীৰ শৰীৰৰ সমুখৰ বা তলৰ অংশ, বক্ষাস্থিৰ পৰা তলপেটলৈকে, য’ত পাচন-তন্ত্ৰ আৰু অন্য অংগ কেতবোৰ সোমাই থাকে ৷
English: abdomen, belly, stomach,
Assamese: উদৰ, কুক্ষ, জঠৰ, তলপেট, তুন্দ, পেট,
Bodo: उदै,
Mising: a:ki, aple,
Khasi: ka kpoh, ka snier,
Garo: atom, bikma, chipang, ok, oksambeng, oksik,
Meeteilon: puk,
Mizo (Lushai): dul, pum, pumpui,
Karbi: apo, apok, pokthak,
Kok-Borok: bohok,
Hmar: phingnem,
Nagamese: pet,
Dimasa: boho, ho, hotab,
Chakma: peet,
Tai: টঙ্,
Bangla: তলপেট, পেট,
Nepali: पेट, भुँडी,
Rabha: বদম,
Tiwa: puma,
Santali: lać

Related Idea:

a. Material Noun-Neuter: stomach, আমাশয়, পাকস্থলী, পাকাশয়, ভুঁৰু...