belch (English) [ IPA: ˈbeltʃ ASM: বেল্টচ]
Contributed by: Rituraj Saikia on 2006-08-31
English: belch, burp, eructation, উগাৰ,
Assamese: উগাৰ, উদ্গাৰ,
Mising: a:yang,
Karbi: ajoi kevang,
Dimasa: gerkuba,
Deori: উগাৰ্
Contributed by: Rituraj Saikia on 2006-08-31
belch (English) [ IPA: ˈbeltʃ ASM: বেল্টচ]
Contributed by: Rituraj Saikia on 2006-08-31
1. (Abstract Noun) eflex that expels wind noisily from the stomach through the mouth মুখেৰে শব্দ কৰি পেটৰ বাষ্প বাহিৰ কৰি দিয়া প্ৰক্ৰিয়া
Assamese: উগাৰ, উদ্গাৰ,
Mising: a:yang,
Karbi: ajoi kevang,
Dimasa: gerkuba,
Deori: উগাৰ্
Different POS:
a. Verb-Intran.: belch, eruct, eructate, উগাৰ মাৰ্, ba la pynslem...Contributed by: Rituraj Saikia on 2006-08-31
2. (Verb-Intran.) to expel gas from the stomach noisily through the mouth মুখেৰে শব্দ কৰি পেটৰ বাষ্প বাহিৰ কৰি দে