linear equationlinga

ling (TAI-Khamti) [ IPA: liŋ]
Contributed by: Sushmita Das on 2024-11-26
1. Animal(Common Noun-Common) Any of various long-tailed, medium-sized members of the order Primates, including the macaques, baboons, guenons, capuchins, marmosets, and tamarins and excluding the anthropoid apes and the prosimians. প্ৰাইমেট বৰ্গৰ অন্তৰ্গত দীঘল-নেজীয়া মজলীয়া আকাৰৰ এক স্তন্যপায়ী জন্তু।

Contributed by: Sushmita Das on 2024-11-24
2. (Abstract Noun-Neuter) a meal where a large number of people eat together. বহুত লোকে লগ হৈ একেলগে আহাৰ গ্ৰহণ কৰা এক অনুষ্ঠান।
English: banquet, feast,
Assamese: ভোজ, লগ-ভাত,
Bodo: बैक्वेट,
Khasi: ka jingpynbna,
Hmar: ruio,
Nagamese: bhoj,
Dimasa: bandra jibah, mel,
TAI-Khamti: ling