mode (English) [ IPA: ˈmoʊd ASM: ম’ড]
English: condition, mode, plight, situation, state,
Assamese: অৱস্থা,
Bodo: गारहर, ज्राब गारनाय,
Khasi: ka jingma, ka rukom,
Nagamese: awostha, obostha, owosta,
Deori: গতি, বিদা
Contributed by: Bornaly Hazarika on 2011-06-20
mode (English) [ IPA: ˈmoʊd ASM: ম’ড]
1. (Abstract Noun) a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing মানুহ বা বস্তুৰ বৰ্ত্তি থকা ধৰণ বা ৰূপ
Assamese: অৱস্থা,
Bodo: गारहर, ज्राब गारनाय,
Khasi: ka jingma, ka rukom,
Nagamese: awostha, obostha, owosta,
Deori: গতি, বিদা
Contributed by: Bornaly Hazarika on 2011-06-20
2. (Abstract Noun) a condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; methodical or harmonious arrangement য’ত যেনেকৈ থাকিব লাগে সকলোবোৰ বস্তু পৰিপাটিকৈ সজোৱা অৱস্থা