welfarewell born

well (English) [ IPA: ˈwel ASM: ৱেল]
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) hole drilled or bored into the earth to obtain water, petroleum, natural gas, brine, or sulfur. পানী, খাৰুৱা তেল, প্ৰাকৃতিক গেছ, খনিজ দ্ৰৱ্য, গন্ধক আদি আহৰণৰ কাৰণে মাটিত খন্দা দ গাঁত

English: well,
Assamese: খাদ,
Bodo: लानदो,
Khasi: ka pung,
Meeteilon: Guha,
Karbi: hulik,
Nepali: कुवा,
Deori: চ্চুই

Contributed by: Ranjita Pegu on 2006-03-17
2. (Interjection) a word used for confirming one's views
English: well, yea,
Assamese: অৱশ্যে, আচ্ছা, এৰা,
Bodo: ,
Nagamese: atsa,
Dimasa: oh, om,
Deori: চ্চুই

Contributed by: Rupankar Mahanta on 2006-03-17
3. (Material Noun-Neuter) A shallow hole dug into earth as a source of natural ground water, often with enclousures to prevent contamination from objects falling into it ভূগৰ্ভত জমা হৈ থকা পানীৰ উৎস হিচাপে ব্যৱহৃত, ঠেক দ খাদ৷ সাধাৰণতে চাৰিওফালে সুৰক্ষাৰ বাবে বেৰা দিয়া থাকে৷