ngat langngei

nge (Mising) [ Roman: nge]
Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-08
1. (Verb-Intran.) to come in visual contact চকুৰে সংবেদন অনুভৱ কৰা

Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-08
2. (Verb-Trans.) to intentionally bring sth in visual contact চকুৰে নিৰীক্ষণ কৰ্

Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-08
3. (Verb-Trans.) make all things haphazard; bring disorderliness; create a chaotic atmosphere. সকলো বেমেজালিপূৰ্ণ বা শৃংখলাহীন কৰি পেলা।

Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-08
4. (Proper Adj.-Common) being in a tense; unprepared state মানসিক অস্থিৰতা বা সাজু নোহোৱা অৱস্থাত থকা