
gathong (Singpho) [ IPA: gatʰᴐŋ]
Contributed by: Sabin Saikia on 2024-11-30
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) a small community or group of houses in a rural area, larger than a hamlet and usually smaller than a town. নগৰৰ পৰা আঁতৰত, নগৰতকৈ সৰু আৰু চুবুৰিতকৈ ডাঙৰ এক জনবসতি বা একেলগে থকা কিছুমান ঘৰ।

English: village,
Assamese: খাহ, খাহৰাজ, গাঁও, গ্ৰাম, চহৰold , বস্তি, মফচল, মফস্বল,
Bodo: गामी,
Mising: dolung,
Meeteilon: khungang,
Mizo (Lushai): khua, kua,
Karbi: chiphong, jinong, jiroi, nongjang, phongjang, rong,
Hmar: khawte,
Nagamese: bosti, gaon,
Dimasa: nohlai,
Ao: yim,
Chakma: adaam,
Hindi: गाँव,
Nepali: गाउँ,
Rabha: চং, ছঙি,
Tiwa: krai,
Deori: আতিগুম,
Hajong: গাও,
Santali: ato,
TAI-Khamti: man,
TAI-Turung: mereng,
Singpho: gathong

Different POS:

a. Proper Adj.-Common: countrified, pastoral, rural, rustic, খাহৰজীয়া...
b. Common Noun-Common: villager, গঁয়া, গঞা, গঞালোক, গাঁও-পৰিয়া...

Related Idea:

c. Abstract Noun: country-side, গ্ৰামাঞ্চল, loyalam, rong saide, mreng...