
vibrate (English) [ IPA: ˈvaɪˌbreɪt ASM: ভাইব্ৰেট]
Contributed by: ৰূপকমল on 2007-02-10
1. Physics(Verb-Intran.) To rapidly move in linear motion (of a particle or of an elastic solid) about an equilibrium position এক সাম্যাৱস্থাৰ ইফালে-সিফালে সৰলৰৈখিকভাৱে বেগাই গতি কৰ্
English: vibrate,
Assamese: কম্পন হ,
Garo: mojikjeka

Different POS:

a. Abstract Noun: vibration, কম্পন, mojikjekani...

Contributed by: ৰূপকমল on 2007-02-10
2. (Verb-Intran.) to shake involuntarily with quick, short movements, as from fear, excitement, weakness, or col ভয়, উত্তেজনা, দুৰ্বলতা অথবা ঠাণ্ডাৰ কাৰণে খৰকৈ জোকাৰণি খা৷