Items in Drama
1. Drama(Abstract Noun) the art, profession, or activity of those who perform in stage plays, motion pictures, etc. মঞ্চনাট, চলচিত্ৰ আদিত অংশ লোৱা ব্যক্তিসকলৰ কলা, বৃত্তি বা কাৰ্য্য
Assamese: অভিনয়, ভাও,
Bodo: नाटक,
Garo: dakmesokani,
Hindi: कार्यकारी,
Nepali: अभिनय, कार्यकारी, नाटक,
Rabha: ভাও,
TAI-Khamti: ka,
Nishi: nyidunam
Different POS:
a. Verb-Intran.: act, অভিনয় কৰ্, ভাও ল, फाव दिन्थिनाय, leh...Related Idea:
b. Abstract Noun: camouflage, disguise, guise, masquerade, কপটবেশ...Sub Idea:
c. Abstract Noun: mime, মূকাভিনয়...d. Abstract Noun: mono-acting, একক-অভিনয়...
2. Drama(Abstract Noun) outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something নিজা ৰূপ বা প্ৰকৃতি ঢাকিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা বাহ্যিক ৰূপ
Assamese: কপটবেশ, গুপ্তবেশ, ছদ্মবেশ, ছদ্মৰূপ, বেশ, ভেশ, ভেশছন,
Bodo: गोरोन्थि, दाय, दायनिगिरि, दोष, नोजोर, फोलानाय,
Garo: dakja,
Dimasa: shao khaoba,
Deori: কিং-চাংনা, চা-ৰ, বহুৱা-চাবা
Related Idea:
a. Abstract Noun: acting, cast, অভিনয়, ভাও, नाटक...
3. Drama(Common Noun-Common) A person or a group of people in a traditional greek play introducing characters of the play and explaining the development of the story প্ৰাচীন গ্ৰীক নাটসমূহত চৰিত্ৰসমূহ পৰিচয় কৰাই দিয়া বা কাহিনীৰ অগ্ৰগতি সম্পৰ্কে দৰ্শকক আভাস দিয়া অভিনেতাৰ দল
4. Drama(Abstract Noun) a theatrical performance acted out of a story through body motions, without use of speech মুখেৰে শব্দ নকৰাকৈ কৰা অভিনয়৷
Assamese: মূকাভিনয়
Related Idea:
a. Proper Noun-Masculine: Moinul Haque, মইনুল হক...b. Abstract Noun: mono-acting, একক-অভিনয়...
Super Idea:
c. Abstract Noun: acting, cast, অভিনয়, ভাও, नाटक...
5. PersonalitiesDrama(Proper Noun-Masculine) A well known Mime artist of Assam. He started acting in 1970 as a mono-actor and soon formed a group called "Sound and Comedy". A self-taught mime artist, Moinul soon discovered his hidden talents. He works with a vision and the themes that his repertoire highlights champion the marginalized moments of crises in diverse characters and gives them a graphic exactitude. Ranging over these areas he has given thousands of performances throughout the country and has succeeded in winning accolades everywhere. In 1991 he founded the "Mime Academy" where he willingly share his expertise and experience. This is the first institution for mime in the area of North-East India that has produced a number of mime actors, whose work has already shown results with great confidence.
Moinul Haque is a Senior Fellowship holder in the field of mime from the Department of Culture, Government of India for his earnest, immense work with the children from the Deaf and Dumb School at Guwahati.
Moinul has acted as a Resource person for the Center for Cultural Resources and Training, New Delhi, under the Central Government. Under the banner of this organization, he has given a number of lecture -demonstrations at the various places in India. Besides this, Moinul is a regular visiting expert for various acting institutions in the North-East of India.
6. Drama(Abstract Noun) a theatrical performance acted by a single actor tackfully alternating different roles in the same scene
Assamese: একক-অভিনয়
Related Idea:
a. Abstract Noun: mime, মূকাভিনয়...Super Idea:
b. Abstract Noun: acting, cast, অভিনয়, ভাও, नाटक...
7. Drama(Abstract Noun) a part of a drama নাটকৰ একোটা প্ৰধান বিভাগ
8. Drama(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) the chief actor or interlocutor in the drama and to each scene of an Assamese drama (Bhaona). ভাওনাত পোন প্ৰথমে ভাওনাখনৰ আৰু মাজে মাজে তাৰ প্ৰত্যেক অংশৰ চমু বিৱৰণ কৈ দিবলৈ ওলোৱা ভাৱৰীয়া৷ সভা সমিতিত ঘোষণা কৰা আৰু আঁত ধৰা লোক৷
9. Drama(Abstract Noun) when the words and actions of a character in a play have different, rather contradictory meanings for the audience. The character mean or do something different from what they say. নাটকৰ চৰিত্ৰৰ কথা আৰু কামৰ দুতৰপীয়া, বিপৰীতমুখী আচৰণ৷ চৰিত্ৰৰ মুখৰ বচনে কেতিয়াবা আওপকীয়াকৈ দিয়া কথাৰ বিপৰীত আচৰণৰ আভাস৷ নাট্যশ্লেষে সংলাপক কৌতুকপূৰ্ণ কৰি তোলে৷
10. Drama(Common Noun-Neuter) a short dramatical act or play. চুটি নাটক।
11. Drama(Verbal Noun) the craft of providing artificial light কৃত্ৰিম পোহৰেৰে (মঞ্চ আদি) সজোৱা কাৰ্য্য
Assamese: আলোকসজ্জা,
Bodo: अखा मोफ्लामनाय, मोबलिप,
Mising: dogum-dorak,
Karbi: sining ame
12. Drama(Common Noun-Neuter) the conversation between characters in a novel, drama, etc. নাটক, উপন্যাস আদিত দুই চৰিত্ৰৰ মাজত হোৱা কথা-বতৰা
13. Drama(Abstract Noun) a theatrical production or performance থিয়েটাৰ, নাটক আদিৰ এক প্ৰদৰ্শন
14. Drama(Proper Noun-Neuter) A Sanskrit play by Kalidasa. It is his first play. The play tells the story of the love of Agnimitra, the Shunga Emperor at Vidisha, for the beautiful hand-maiden of his chief queen. সংস্কৃত কবি আৰু নাট্যকাৰ কালিদাসৰ দ্বাৰাৰচিত এখন নাটক৷