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Items in Reptile

1. Reptile(Common Noun) Any of numerous tailless, aquatic, semiaquatic, or terrestrial amphibians of the order Anura and especially of the family Ranidae, characteristically having a smooth moist skin, webbed feet, and long hind legs adapted for leaping. নেজহীন, জলজ, অৰ্ধজলজ বা স্থলজ এবিধ উভচৰ প্ৰাণী, যি অনুৰা বৰ্গ আৰু বিশেষকৈ ৰেনিদি পৰিয়ালৰ অন্তৰ্গত। ইহঁতৰ চালখন খহটা আৰু ভিজা, ঠেঙৰ পতা বহল আৰু পাছঠেংকেইটা জপিয়াব পৰাকৈ দীঘল আকাৰৰ।
English: frog,
Assamese: অজন্ত, অজিহ্ব, তোয়সূচক, দাদুৰী, দৰ্দুৰ, বেং, ভেক, ভেকলি bo , ভেকুলী, ভেকোলা, মণ্ডুক,
Bodo: एम्बु,
Mising: tatig, tatik,
Khasi: ka jakoid,
Garo: beng.blok, dipilok,
Meeteilon: hangoi,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: কেরবঙ,
Karbi: chongho, chongklak,
Kok-Borok: yongla,
Hmar: uţawk,
Nagamese: beng, bhekuli,
Dimasa: embru, embru walai, gaolem, khaoroma,
Chakma: veeng,
TAI-Ahom: খিত,
Hindi: मेंढ़क,
Rabha: লৌবাক,
Tiwa: pekhola, pere,
Deori: লুজে,
Santali: rote

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: toad, কটুৰৱ, কূপ-মণ্ডুক, কৃত্যালয়, খহুৱাভেকুলী...

Sub Idea:

b. Common Noun: Hyla arborea, tree frog, পাতবেং, embru walai, খিত-খা-জাও...

2. Reptile(Common Noun) Any of various nonvenomous snakes of the family Pythonidae, found chiefly in Asia, Africa, and Australia, that coil around and suffocate their prey. Pythons often attain lengths of 6 meters (20 feet) or more. প্ৰধানকৈ এছিয়া, আফ্ৰিকা আৰু অষ্ট্ৰেলিয়া মহাদেশৰ উপলব্ধ এবিধ ডাঙৰ আকাৰৰ বিষহীন সাপ; ইহঁত প্ৰায় ৬ মিটাৰ (২০ ফুট) পৰ্য্যন্ত দীঘল হয়। ইহঁতে চিকাৰৰ গাত পাক মাৰি ধৰি উশাহ-নিশাহ বন্ধ কৰি মাৰি পেলাব পাৰে।
English: python,
Assamese: অজগৰ, অহীন, অহীশ্বৰ, ঢেঁকী-সাপ, মহোৰগ, শীৰ,
Bodo: अजगर,
Mising: birom,
Garo: chipu jada, Chipu nokma,
Meeteilon: lairen,
Mizo (Lushai): saphai,
Karbi: roi-pi,
Nagamese: ojogor sap,
Dimasa: jubu-ho,
TAI-Ahom: ঙূ লম্, লম্,
Tiwa: atgoria,
Deori: অজগৰ দুবু

3. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) Any of various large aquatic reptiles, chiefly of the genus Crocodylus, native to tropical and subtropical regions and having thick, armorlike skin and long tapering jaws. ডাঠ চাল থকা, দীঘল মুখৰ এবিধ উভচৰ সৰীসৃপ প্ৰাণী৷
English: alligator, crocodile, gator,
Assamese: কুম্ভীৰ, গ্ৰাহ, ঘঁৰিয়াল, জলকণ্টক, জলগুঁই, জলশূকৰ, টাৰীয়া, নক্ৰ, নেহাল, পিংগচক্ষু, মকৰ, মগৰ, শংকমুখ,
Bodo: गोलेर,
Mising: sormon,
Khasi: u kuratia,
Garo: aringga, gorial,
Meeteilon: gumbheer,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: কুম্ভীর,
Karbi: temong,
Hmar: awle,
Nagamese: ghorial,
Dimasa: gerai,
Hindi: घडियाल, मगर,
Bangla: কুমির,
Nepali: कुम्भीर, घोरियाल, पिंगचक्षु, मगरमच्छ,
Deori: গৰিয়াল,
Santali: maṅgaṛ

4. Reptile(Common Noun) Venomous hooded snake found in Asia and Africa মুৰত ফেঁট থকা/ফণা ধৰিব পৰা এবিধ অতি বিষাক্ত সাপৰ জাতি৷
English: cobra,
Assamese: ফেঁটী, ফেঁটী সাপ,
Bodo: फिथिगम,
Mising: kingko-ru:bong,
Garo: chipu gam,
Karbi: rui phe,
Nagamese: kobra,
Dimasa: jubu grang-gisim, jubu grang-gupu, jubu ho,
TAI-Ahom: ঙু-ফা,
Bangla: কেউটে, কোবরা,
Rabha: গমাং

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine: ডুমুনী-ফেঁটী...
b. Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine: cobra de capello, Naja naja, Naja tripudians, চকৰি-ফেঁটী...
c. Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine: মাটিফেঁটী...
d. Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine: King cobra, Ophiophagus hannah, ৰাজ ফেঁটী, শঙ্খচূড়...

5. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) Any of numerous anuran amphibians (esp. family Bufonidae) that are distinguished from the related frogs by being more terrestrial in habit though returning to water to lay their eggs, by having a build that is squatter and shorter with weaker and shorter hind limbs, and by having skin that is rough, dry, and warty rather than smooth and moist. প্ৰধানকৈ মাটিত বাস কৰা কিন্তু কণী পাৰিবৰ সময়ত পানীলৈ যোৱা এবিধ উভচৰ প্ৰাণী। ইহঁতৰ দেহ চুটি, পাচঠেং দুখন দুৰ্বল আৰু চুটি, আৰু গাৰ চালখন খহটা, শুকান আৰু খহুলা হয়।
English: toad,
Assamese: কটুৰৱ, কূপ-মণ্ডুক, কৃত্যালয়, খহুৱাভেকুলী, চুকভেকুলা, চুকভেকুলী, দাদুৰ, দাদুৰি, বিষ্টিভূ, বৃষ্টিভূ, বেং, বৰ্ষাঘোষ, বৰ্ষাভূ, বৰ্ষামদ, শালুৰ,
Bodo: एमबु सथर, एम्बु,
Karbi: ok-ak,
Dimasa: khaoroma maabra,
TAI-Ahom: থিত,
Deori: পাত-বেকুলা

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: Hyla arborea, tree frog, পাতবেং, embru walai, খিত-খা-জাও...
b. Common Noun: frog, অজন্ত, অজিহ্ব, তোয়সূচক, দাদুৰী...

6. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) a large poisonous snake, that inhabits grassy plains and sparse woodlands from southern Sudan southward to the Cape Peninsula in South Africa. It is the most common and most widespread snake belonging to the Elapidae, or cobra family. Adults average 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 meters); individuals may grow to more than 8 feet (1.4 meters). It will attack with their venomous bite. While they will warn anything that is irritating it, they will strike quickly if the warning isn't heeded. এবিধ ক’লা-বৰণীয় ফেঁটী সাপ
English: black cobra, Black-necked-cobra, Krait, Naja nigricollis,
Assamese: ক’লী-ফেঁটী, শঁকা সাপ,
Karbi: ruiphe ki`ik,
Dimasa: jubu garang gisim,
Bangla: কালকেউটে, কালনাগ, কালো কেউটে

7. Reptile(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) Any of various small chiefly tropical and usually nocturnal insectivorous terrestrial lizards typically with immovable eyelids. This is a common species associated with human habitation, in both rural and urban areas. Mainly nocturnal, by day it may still be active under the eaves of buildings, huts and other man-made structures. গুঁইৰ নিচিনা ঘৰৰ চাল বেৰ আদিত থকা এবিধ ক্ষুদ্ৰ সৰিসৃপ জন্তু | সাধাৰণতে নিশাচৰ যদিও দিনটো ইহঁতক চাল, টিন আদিৰ তলত ঘূৰি ফুৰা দেখা যায় |
English: house gecko, house lizard, lizard,
Assamese: কৃকলাস, ক্ৰকচপাদ, গৃহগোধিকা, গৃহাপিকা, জেঠী, জ্যেষ্ঠা, জ্যেষ্ঠী, দ্ৰুমাশ্ৰয়, মুষলী, লণ্ডিকা,
Bodo: ननेमा,
Mising: kumsu po:to,
Garo: ben.chidik,
Karbi: bilit, hem-a-bilit,
Nagamese: jethi,
Dimasa: nonema, nonaima, nondaima,
Hindi: छिपकली,
Bangla: জিঠি, টিকটিকি,
Nepali: गृहगोधिका, गृहापिका, जेष्ठी, भित्ती,
Rabha: জিতি,
Deori: লেৰকুং

8. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) an agamid lizard found widely distributed in Asia. It has also been introduced in many parts other parts of the world. It is an insectivore and the male gets a bright red throat in the breeding season leading to a common incorrect name of Bloodsucker. এছিয়া মহাদেশত বহুলভাৱে উপলভ্য এবিধ সৰীসৃপ ৷ ইহঁত পতঙ্গভোজী আৰু প্ৰজননৰ সময়ত মতাবোৰৰ ডিঙিটো ৰঙা বৰণৰ হয় আৰু সেইবাবে ইহঁতক তেজপিয়া বুলিও কোৱা হয় ৷
English: bloodsucker, Calotes versicolor, garden lizard, oriental garden lizard,
Assamese: গৰীয়াখোদাই, তেজপিয়া, মঙলা,
Mising: jo:jing,
Karbi: Ureng sangti,
Dimasa: dimbong,
TAI-Ahom: আই-খাং, তক্ ত

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: Chalcides ocellatus, gongilo, grass skink, নাইপিয়া, মইন-কিৰা...
b. Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine: chameleon, কোকলোঙা, ganjapa, gara, ureng...

9. Reptile(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) a species of cobra found in india. ফেঁটত চকৰি থকা এবিধ ডাইল ফেঁটী সাপ৷
English: cobra de capello, Naja naja, Naja tripudianssci ,
Assamese: চকৰি-ফেঁটী

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: cobra, ফেঁটী, ফেঁটী সাপ, फिथिगम, kingko-ru:bong...

10. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) Monitor lizards are the family Varanidae, a group of carnivorous lizards which includes the largest living lizard, the Komodo dragon. Varanidae is monotypic, containing only the genus Varanus. Monitor lizards are generally large reptiles, although some can be as small as 12 centimetres in length. They have long necks, powerful tails and claws, and well-developed limbs. Most species are terrestrial, but arboreal and semi-aquatic monitors are also known. Almost all Monitor lizards are carnivorous, although Varanus prasinus and Varanus olivaceus are also known to eat fruit.[1] They are oviparous, laying from 7 to 37 eggs, which they often cover with soil or protect in a hollow tree stump
English: bayawak, goannas, iguana, Monitor Lizard,
Assamese: গুঁই, গুঁই সাপ, গোধিকা,
Bodo: गुइ,
Mising: sarkod,
Karbi: chehang,
Dimasa: musubuh, pumin,
TAI-Ahom: কুকাই,
Deori: মেপু

11. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) a large water frog, Common in northern India, the bullfrog is prized for its meat in south-east Asian countries , having a deep voice. বৰ ডাঙৰ জাতৰ পানী বেং৷ সাধাৰণতে বাৰিষা কালত কোনো পুখুৰীত থাকি বৰ ডাঙৰ শব্দ কৰি ৰাতি মাতি থাকে৷ ইয়াক কোনো কোনো দেশত খাদ্য হিচাপেও ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়৷
English: bullfrog,
Assamese: বামুণভেকোলা, বামুণভোকোলা,
Garo: beng.bong, gonggang

12. Reptile(Common Noun) A tree frog is any frog that spends a major portion of its lifespan in trees, known as an arboreal state.
English: Hyla arboreasci , tree frog,
Assamese: পাতবেং,
Dimasa: embru walai,
TAI-Ahom: খিত-খা-জাও

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: toad, কটুৰৱ, কূপ-মণ্ডুক, কৃত্যালয়, খহুৱাভেকুলী...

Super Idea:

b. Common Noun: frog, অজন্ত, অজিহ্ব, তোয়সূচক, দাদুৰী...

13. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) A genus of colubrid snakes commonly found predominantly from Sri Lanka, India through to Korea and much of southeast Asia, including many Pacific islands. They are mildly venomous and what is commonly termed as 'rear-fanged' or more appropriately, opisthoglyphous, meaning their enlarged teeth or fangs intended to aid in venom delivery are set back in their jaw, instead of in the front like they are in vipers or cobras.
English: ahaetulla, vine snake, whip snake,
Dimasa: jubu laitang

14. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) Flying snakes are a small group of species of tree snakes that live in Asia and Southeast Asia. At rest they appear unremarkable, but on the move they're able to take to the air by jumping from the tree, flattening the entire body, and gliding or parachuting to the ground or another tree. এছিয়া আৰু দক্ষিণ-পূব এছিয়াত উপলব্ধ ইহঁত কেতবোৰ গছত বাস কৰা সাপৰ প্ৰজাতি ৷ গছত জিৰণি লৈ থকা অৱস্থাত সাধাৰণতে ইহঁতক মণিব নোৱাৰি, কিন্তু ইহঁতে নিজৰ গাটো চেপেটা কৰি লৈ বায়ুৰ মাজেদি এজোপা গছৰ পৰা আন এজোপালৈ বা মাটিলৈ পেৰাছুটৰ দৰে বা জপিয়াই অহা-যোৱা কৰিব পাৰে ৷
English: Chrysopelea, flying snake,
Assamese: উৰণীয়া সাপ, উৰন্ত সাপ,
Karbi: thengpi-a-phurui,
Dimasa: jubu blating

Super Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: snake, অকৰ্ণ, অহি, আশী, আশীবিষ...

15. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) Chalcides ocellatus is a member of Scincidae, the largest 'family' of extant lizards. Chalcides ocellatus, the ocellated or eyed skink or 'gongilo', occurs in southern Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. It is also found in Assam and North East India. Ocellated skinks inhabit a variety of habitats in which sandy ground is present -- coastal areas, among dunes, in vineyards or olive groves -- and may shelter in crevices in dry stone walls, holes in the ground, and matted undergrowth. They can even be found in ruins, such as the Acropolis, and garbage dumps.
English: Chalcides ocellatus, gongilo, grass skink,
Assamese: নাইপিয়া, মইন-কিৰা, মনকিৰা bo ,
Dimasa: milijorma

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: bloodsucker, Calotes versicolor, garden lizard, oriental garden lizard, গৰীয়াখোদাই...
b. Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine: chameleon, কোকলোঙা, ganjapa, gara, ureng...

16. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) Any of the various small freshwater turtles of the family Emydidae.
English: terrapin,
Dimasa: kusong

17. Reptile(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) a common species of non-venomous snake found in Asia. Found in or near fresh water lakes or rivers. Feeds mainly on small fishes and water frogs. সাধাৰণতে পানীত বাস কৰা এবিধ বিষহীন সাপ৷
English: Checkered keelback water snake, Xenochrophis piscator,
Assamese: ঢোঁৰা সাপ,
Bangla: ঢোঁড়া সাপ, ধুড়া সাপ, ধোড়া সাপ

18. Reptile(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) The King Cobra is the world's longest venomous snake, with a length that can be as large as 6.7 m (22 ft). This species is widespread throughout Southeast Asia and parts of India, but found mostly in forested areas. Its genus name, Ophiophagus, literally means "snake-eater", and its diet primarily consists of other snakes, including sizeable pythons and even smaller members of its own species. The venom of the King Cobra is primarily neurotoxic, and the snake is fully capable of killing a human with a single bite. ফেঁটী সাপৰ প্ৰজাতিৰ ভিতৰত অতি বিষাক্ত ফেঁটী সাপ৷
English: King cobra, Ophiophagus hannah,
Assamese: ৰাজ ফেঁটী,
Bangla: শঙ্খচূড়

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: cobra, ফেঁটী, ফেঁটী সাপ, फिथिगम, kingko-ru:bong...

19. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) a large, conspicuous yellow and black banded snake with a prominent backbone, blunt tail and rounded head. The bands are faded on the underside. All kraits are nocturnal. The banded krait can reach 8 ft in length. Diet consists of small mammals, lizards, frogs and toads. Sometimes they turn cannibalistic and begin feeding exclusively on snakes, often including other kraits and the cobra. The female lays 6 to 12 eggs. Eggs are deposited in holes in the ground or under leaves. The snake is commonly seen in Assam, West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. এবিধ ক’লা-হালধীয়া ৰঙৰ সাপ৷
English: Banded krait, Bungarus fasciatus,
Assamese: গোৱালা সাপ

20. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) Ramphotyphlops braminus is a harmless blind snake species found mostly in Africa and Asia, but has been introduced in many other parts of the world. Completely fossorial, they are often mistaken for earthworms, except that they are not segmented. The specific name is a Latinized form of the word Brahmin, which is a caste among Hindus. No subspecies are currently recognized. খন্তিৰ নিচিন চেপেটা মুখেৰে এবিধ কেঁচু জাতিয় সাপ (কীট)৷
English: Brahminy blind snake, Ramphotyphlops brahminus,
Assamese: খন্তীয়া-সাপ, মাটি সাপ

21. Reptile(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) a kind of water snake. পানীত থকা এবিধ সাপ৷
English: Enhydris enhydris, Smooth water snake,
Assamese: মেনি সাপ

22. Reptile(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) The term 'chameleon' is a combination of two Greek words, 'Chamai', meaning 'on the ground/earth' and Leon, meaning 'lion'. Thus, 'chameleon' means 'earth lion'. The chameleons are distinctive and highly specialized clade of lizards. They are distinguished by their parrot-like feet, their stereoscopic eyes, their very long and rapidly extrudable tongues, their swaying gait, and the possession by many of a prehensile tail, crests/horns on heads. Most of the chameleons have the ability to change colour. Approximately 160 species of the chameleon range from Africa, Madagascar, Spain and Portugal, across south Asia, to Sri Lanka, have been introduced to Hawaii and California, and are found in warm habitats that vary from rain forest to desert conditions. There is only one species of chameleons found in the Indian subcontinent, scientifically known as Chamaeleo zeylanicus. One of the most interesting features of an Indian Chameleon is its extremely long tongue, which at times may exceed its body length also. The breeding season of the chameleon lizard falls around the month of October. Ten to thirty eggs are laid at a time and the gestation period is 3 to 6 weeks. Chameleon lizard survives on a diet of locusts, mantids, crickets, and other insects.
English: chameleon,
Assamese: কোকলোঙা,
Garo: ganjapa, gara,
Karbi: ureng,
Dimasa: dimbong,
Hindi: गिरगिट

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: bloodsucker, Calotes versicolor, garden lizard, oriental garden lizard, গৰীয়াখোদাই...
b. Common Noun-Common: Chalcides ocellatus, gongilo, grass skink, নাইপিয়া, মইন-কিৰা...

23. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) a species of reptile. Familia: Gekkonidae Subfamilia: Gekkoninae Genus: Cnemaspis Species: C. assamensis নাইপিয়া সাপৰ নিচিনা গছৰ খোৰোঙত থকা এবিধ সৰীসৃপ
English: Assamese day Gecko, Cnemaspis assamensissci ,
Assamese: কেঁকো, কেঁকোসাপ

24. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) a small snake with round spots on its body which frequents human dwellings and feeds on mice, etc.. চিকা-নিগনি আদি খোৱা আৰু গাত সৰু সৰু বগা ফোঁট থকা এবিধ সৰু সাপ৷
English: Lycodon aulicus,
Assamese: চিকামড়লী

25. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) The East Indian Brown Mabuya (Eutropis multifasciata), also known as Many-lined Sun Skink, Many-striped Skink, Common Sun Skink or (ambiguously) as "golden skink", is a species of skink.
English: Eutropis multifasciata,
Assamese: নাইপিয়া

26. Reptile(Proper Noun-Common) a species of tortoise found in dry areas and scrub forest in India and Sri Lanka. ভাৰত আৰু শ্ৰীলংকাৰ শুকান অঞ্চল আৰু জোপোহা অৰণ্যত পোৱা এবিধ কাছ।
English: Geochelone elegans, Indian star tortoise, Testudo elegans,
Assamese: উলূ-কাছ

27. Reptile(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) Dendrelaphis tristis is a long, slender snake with a pointed head and a bronze coloured line running down its back. Its diet includes geckos, birds and occasionally frogs. This harmless snake prefers the tree tops to life on the ground অসমত সততে পোৱা এবিধ বিষহীন সাপ৷
English: bronzeback,
Assamese: কাৰ্শলা

28. Reptile(Common Noun-Common) Geckos are lizards belonging to the infraorder Gekkota, found in warm climates throughout the world. They range from 1.6 to 60 cm জেঠী জাতীয় প্ৰাণী৷
English: Gecko,
Assamese: কেকোসাপ

29. ReptileVipers are snakes in the family Viperidae, found in most parts of the world, except for Antarctica, Australia, Hawaii, Madagascar, New Zealand, Ireland, and various other isolated islands. They are venomous... from
English: Viper, Viperidae,
Assamese: ভাইপাৰ