
chok (Garo)
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-06-28
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) a soft, white, powdery limestone consisting chiefly of fossil shells of foraminifers which is often used for marking, as a blackboard crayon ব্লেকব’ৰ্ডত লিখিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা বগা মাটিৰ পদাৰ্থ

chok (Meeteilon) [ IPA: ʦɔk]
Contributed by: Priti Mitra on 2024-11-29
2. (Abstract Noun) The span of time that one has passed from the birth or the duration of his lifetime. জন্মৰপৰা বৰ্তমানলৈকে অথবা মৃত্যু/ধ্বংস হোৱালৈকে সময়খিনি ৷
English: age,
Assamese: আউ bo , আয়ু, আয়ুস, বয়স,
Bodo: बैसो,
Khasi: ka juk,
Garo: bilsi,
Meeteilon: chahi, chok,
Karbi: arta,
Nagamese: boyos, umor,
Dimasa: boyos, hayuh,
Hindi: जिन्दगी,
Nepali: उमेर,
TAI-Khamti: asak,
TAI-Turung: asak,
Singpho: ashak

Different POS:

a. Proper Adj.-Common: aged, old, অথৰ্ব, জৰঠ, প্ৰৌঢ়...
b. Proper Adj.-Common: aged, ancient, antique, archaic, old...

chok (Karbi)
Contributed by: মৰ্ণিংকে ফাংচ` (Morningkeey Phangcho) on 2008-08-17
3. (Proper Adj.) free from error or fault ভুল-ত্ৰুটিৰ পৰা মুক্ত

Contributed by: Mridugunjana Shivam on 2024-12-01
4. (Interjection) phrase used to affirm or assure that everything is fine OR to agree with sb. কিবা সোধোঁতে বা উত্তৰ দিওঁতে ইতিবাচক অব্যয় হিচাপে ব্যৱহাৰ হয় ৷

Contributed by: মৰ্ণিংকে ফাংচ` (Morningkeey Phangcho) on 2009-01-18
5. (Verb-Trans.) Strike persistently and violently হাত বা কোনো অস্ত্ৰেৰে কাৰোবাক আঘাত কৰ্ ৷

chok (Nagamese)
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-05-05
6. (Material Noun-Neuter) a soft, white, powdery limestone consisting chiefly of fossil shells of foraminifers which is often used for marking, as a blackboard crayon ব্লেকব’ৰ্ডত লিখিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা বগা মাটিৰ পদাৰ্থ

chok (Chakma)
Contributed by: Ven. Pragya Jyoti on 2009-04-27
7. Anatomy(Material Noun-Neuter) the organ through which light is perceived and visually identified যি অঙ্গৰ দ্বাৰা পোহৰৰ অৱস্থিতি অনুভৱ কৰা হয় আৰু দেখা যায়

English: eye,
Assamese: অক্ষি, আঁখি, চকু, চক্ষু, দেহদীপ, দৰ্শনেন্দ্ৰিয়, নেত্ৰ, নয়ন, লোচন,
Bodo: मेगन,
Mising: amig,
Khasi: ka khmat,
Garo: makgron, mikgran, mikron,
Meeteilon: meet,
Mizo (Lushai): mit,
Karbi: amek, mek, sarti,
Kok-Borok: mokol,
Hmar: mit,
Nagamese: choku, soku, suku,
Dimasa: muthai,
Apatani: ami,
Chakma: chok,
TAI-Ahom: টা,
Bangla: চক্ষু,
Nepali: आँखा,
Rabha: নেকেন,
Tiwa: mo, mo’,
Deori: মুকুতি ,
Santali: me̠t́,
TAI-Phake: ta,
TAI-Khamti: hoi-ta,
TAI-Turung: myi,
Singpho: myi,
Tutsa: mik

Different POS:

a. Proper Adj.-Common: ocular, চাক্ষুষ, नोजोर सोमोन्दै...

Related Idea:

b. Material Noun-Neuter: retina, অক্ষিকাচ, অক্ষিপট, চকুৰ পৰ্দ্দা, চক্ষুপট...
c. Proper Adj.: pearl-eyed, ফুল-পৰা...
d. Material Noun-Neuter: iris, কনীনিকা, মণিবলয়, मेगन फिथर, ami nuri...
e. Material Noun-Neuter: apple of the eye, pupil, চকুৰ মণি, নয়নমণি, পুতলী...
f. Material Noun-Neuter: eye, eyeball, অক্ষিগোলক, চকু, mikron birong...