Items in Plants
1. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay ঠেক পাতৰ সেউজীয়া উদ্ভিদ, যাক চৰণীয়া জীৱ-জন্তুৰ খাদ্য হিচাপে সেউজীয়া বা শুকান অৱস্থাত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়
Assamese: ঘাঁহ, ঘাঁহ-বন, ঘাহ, তৃণ, বন,
Bodo: गांसो, हाग्रा,
Mising: nasin,
Khasi: u phlang,
Garo: samsi,
Meeteilon: lompak, napee,
Mizo (Lushai): hnim, phaitual hnim,
Karbi: bab, phelang-cherikso,
Nagamese: ghah, ghas, ghash,
Dimasa: sham,
Hindi: घास,
Bangla: ঘাস,
Deori: গাঁ, গান, মুচাঁ,
TAI-Turung: chying,
Singpho: chyingdu,
Tutsa: nam
2. Plants(Common Noun-Common) An annual cereal grasses of the genus Triticum of the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia, especially T. aestivum, widely cultivated in temperate regions in many varieties for its commercially important edible grain.
নাতিশীতোষ্ণ অঞ্চলত বহুলভাৱে খেতি কৰা, ব্যৱসায়িকভাৱে গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ, ট্ৰাইটিকাম প্ৰজাতিৰ এবাৰ ফল দিয়া এবিধ ঘাঁহজাতীয় শস্য
English: wheat,
Assamese: গম, গোধুম, ঘেঁহু,
Bodo: मैदा,
Khasi: u kew,
Garo: gom,
Nagamese: ghehu,
Dimasa: gom,
Hindi: गेहूँ,
Bangla: গম
Assamese: গম, গোধুম, ঘেঁহু,
Bodo: मैदा,
Khasi: u kew,
Garo: gom,
Nagamese: ghehu,
Dimasa: gom,
Hindi: गेहूँ,
Bangla: গম
3. Plants(Material Noun-Neuter) any of a class of solid or semisolid viscous substances obtained either as exudation from certain plants or prepared by polymerization of simple molecules কেতবোৰ উদ্ভিদৰ পৰা নিৰ্গত বা সৰল মৌলৰ যৌগীকৰণৰ দ্বাৰা প্ৰস্তুত কৰা কঠিন বা অৰ্ধ-কঠিন এবিধ বিজলুৱা পদাৰ্থ
4. Plants(Common Noun) An American plant of the Nightshade family, much used for smoking and chewing, and as snuff. As a medicine, it is narcotic, emetic, and cathartic. Tobacco has a strong, peculiar smell, and an acrid taste. ধুম্ৰপান কৰিবলৈ বা চোবাই খাবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা এবিধ উদ্ভিদ৷ ইয়াৰ উগ্ৰ গোন্ধ আৰু নিচা থাকে৷
English: Nicotiana Tabacumsci , tobacco,
Assamese: কলঞ্জ, চাধা, তাম্ৰকূট, ধপাত,
Bodo: थांखु,
Mising: duma,
Khasi: duma,
Mizo (Lushai): vaihlo,
Karbi: duma,
Nagamese: sada,
Dimasa: dama,
Bangla: টোব্যাকো,
Nepali: खैनी, तम्बाकु, साधा, सुर्ती,
Tutsa: phonhok
b. Proper Noun-Neuter: East Indian tobaco, Mapacho, Nicotiana rustica, Turkish tobaco, মান-ধঁপাত...
Assamese: কলঞ্জ, চাধা, তাম্ৰকূট, ধপাত,
Bodo: थांखु,
Mising: duma,
Khasi: duma,
Mizo (Lushai): vaihlo,
Karbi: duma,
Nagamese: sada,
Dimasa: dama,
Bangla: টোব্যাকো,
Nepali: खैनी, तम्बाकु, साधा, सुर्ती,
Tutsa: phonhok
Related Idea:
a. Material Noun-Neuter: খুন্দা ধঁপাত, মলা ধঁপাত, तम्बाखु, सुर्ति...b. Proper Noun-Neuter: East Indian tobaco, Mapacho, Nicotiana rustica, Turkish tobaco, মান-ধঁপাত...
5. PlantsSpices(Common Noun-Neuter) A plant or its root of tropical southeast Asia having yellowish-green flowers and a pungent aromatic rhizome. দক্ষিণ-পূৱ এছিয়াৰ উষ্ণ মণ্ডলত উপলভ্য জিঞ্জিবাৰ অফিচিনেলি প্ৰজাতিৰ অন্তৰ্গত, ঈষত্ হালধীয়া-সেউজীয়া ৰঙৰ ফুল ফুলা আৰু এক বিশেষ গোন্ধযুক্ত এজোপা গছ বা তাৰ শিপা
English: ginger, gingerroot, Zingiber officinale,
Assamese: আদা, কফাৰি, চান্দ্ৰক,
Bodo: हाइजें,
Mising: take:,
Khasi: sying,
Garo: e.ching, xotcit,
Meeteilon: shing,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: আদা,
Mizo (Lushai): sawhthing,
Karbi: hansho,
Hmar: aithîng,
Nagamese: ada, adawa, adowa, adrok, adruk, aduwa,
Dimasa: hajing,
TAI-Ahom: খিঙ্,
Hindi: अदरक,
Nepali: अदुवा, सूठो,
TAI-Khamti: khing
Assamese: আদা, কফাৰি, চান্দ্ৰক,
Bodo: हाइजें,
Mising: take:,
Khasi: sying,
Garo: e.ching, xotcit,
Meeteilon: shing,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: আদা,
Mizo (Lushai): sawhthing,
Karbi: hansho,
Hmar: aithîng,
Nagamese: ada, adawa, adowa, adrok, adruk, aduwa,
Dimasa: hajing,
TAI-Ahom: খিঙ্,
Hindi: अदरक,
Nepali: अदुवा, सूठो,
TAI-Khamti: khing
6. Plants(Material Noun-Neuter) Leafy vegetables, e.g. spinach সেউজীয়া পাতযুক্ত পাচলি, যেনেঃ পালেং
7. Plants(Common Noun) A kind of very tall herb used for making papers, house-hold items. এবিধ ঘাঁহ জাতীয় বৰ ওখ গছ৷ ইয়াক কাগজ, ঘৰুৱা সামগ্ৰী, কেছা ঘৰৰ খোটা আদি বনাবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়৷
English: bamboo,
Assamese: বাঁহ, বাঁহ গছ, বাংশ, বেণু,
Bodo: औवा,
Mising: dibang, ia,
Khasi: siej, u siej, u sije, u skong,
Garo: wa.a,
Meeteilon: waa,
Mizo (Lushai): mau,
Karbi: chek,
Nagamese: bah, bas, thengol,
Dimasa: wah, woah,
Bangla: বংশ, বাcb syl , বাঁশ,
Nepali: बाँस,
Tiwa: wathi,
Deori: য়ুৱা,
Santali: mat́,
TAI-Phake: mai chang,
TAI-Khamti: maisang,
Tutsa: wah
b. Material Noun-Neuter: warmai...
c. Material Noun-Neuter: ponto...
d. Material Noun-Neuter: wayungto...
f. Common Noun: Bamboosa tulda, Bambusa tulda Roxb., Dendrocalamus tulda (Roxb.) Vo, Indian timber bamboo, Tuld bamboo...
g. Common Noun: Dendrocalamus hamiltoni, পাহাৰী কাকবাঁহ...
h. Common Noun: Melocanna baccifera, মূলিবাঁহ, মুলি বাঁশ...
i. Common Noun: Balcooa Bamboo, Bambusa balcooa, Bambusa balcooa Roxb., Dendrocalamus balcooa (Roxb.) , Giant bamboo...
j. Common Noun: Bambusa arundinacea, Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Wi, Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss, Indian bamboo, Reed bamboo...
Assamese: বাঁহ, বাঁহ গছ, বাংশ, বেণু,
Bodo: औवा,
Mising: dibang, ia,
Khasi: siej, u siej, u sije, u skong,
Garo: wa.a,
Meeteilon: waa,
Mizo (Lushai): mau,
Karbi: chek,
Nagamese: bah, bas, thengol,
Dimasa: wah, woah,
Bangla: বংশ, বাcb syl , বাঁশ,
Nepali: बाँस,
Tiwa: wathi,
Deori: য়ুৱা,
Santali: mat́,
TAI-Phake: mai chang,
TAI-Khamti: maisang,
Tutsa: wah
Related Idea:
a. Material Noun-Neuter: wamuh...b. Material Noun-Neuter: warmai...
c. Material Noun-Neuter: ponto...
d. Material Noun-Neuter: wayungto...
Sub Idea:
e. Common Noun-Common: Bamboosa bambos, জাতি বাঁহ...f. Common Noun: Bamboosa tulda, Bambusa tulda Roxb., Dendrocalamus tulda (Roxb.) Vo, Indian timber bamboo, Tuld bamboo...
g. Common Noun: Dendrocalamus hamiltoni, পাহাৰী কাকবাঁহ...
h. Common Noun: Melocanna baccifera, মূলিবাঁহ, মুলি বাঁশ...
i. Common Noun: Balcooa Bamboo, Bambusa balcooa, Bambusa balcooa Roxb., Dendrocalamus balcooa (Roxb.) , Giant bamboo...
j. Common Noun: Bambusa arundinacea, Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Wi, Bambusa bambos (L.) Voss, Indian bamboo, Reed bamboo...
8. Plants(Common Noun) It is a species in the family Clusiaceae. The plant is named after the heaviness of its timber and cultivated in tropical climates for its form, foliage, and fragrant flowers. It is native to tropical Sri Lanka, India, southern Nepal, Indochina, and the Malay Peninsula. শ্ৰীলঙ্কা, ভাৰত, দক্ষিণ নেপাল, ইন্দোচীন আৰু মালয়েছিয়াত পোৱা ক্লুছিয়েচি পৰিয়ালৰ এবিধ সুগন্ধি ফুলযুক্ত উদ্ভিদ৷
English: ceylon ironwood, indian rose chestnut, mesua ferrea,
Assamese: নাগকেশৰ, নাগেশ্বৰ, নাহৰ,
Dimasa: kimkrai,
Deori: ইজিৰি, ইজিৰি-পপঁ
Assamese: নাগকেশৰ, নাগেশ্বৰ, নাহৰ,
Dimasa: kimkrai,
Deori: ইজিৰি, ইজিৰি-পপঁ
9. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) Any of various shrubby plants of the genus Gossypium, having showy flowers and grown for the soft white downy fibers surrounding oil-rich seeds. কোমল, বগা আঁহ আৰু তেলযুক্ত গুটিৰ বাবে খেতি কৰা গছিপিয়াম নামৰ প্ৰজাতিৰ জোপোহা গছ
English: cotton,
Assamese: কপাহ, কাপাহ্ bo , তুলা,
Bodo: खुन,
Mising: gimur, sipag,
Meeteilon: lashing,
Karbi: phelo, pholo,
Hmar: patchawn,
Nagamese: kopah,
Dimasa: khunkhlai,
TAI-Ahom: ফাই,
Bangla: তুলো,
Nepali: कपास, रुई,
Tiwa: khul,
Deori: কেপে,
TAI-Khamti: kui,
TAI-Turung: pisi
Assamese: কপাহ, কাপাহ্ bo , তুলা,
Bodo: खुन,
Mising: gimur, sipag,
Meeteilon: lashing,
Karbi: phelo, pholo,
Hmar: patchawn,
Nagamese: kopah,
Dimasa: khunkhlai,
TAI-Ahom: ফাই,
Bangla: তুলো,
Nepali: कपास, रुई,
Tiwa: khul,
Deori: কেপে,
TAI-Khamti: kui,
TAI-Turung: pisi
10. PlantsFruits(Common Noun-Common) the large, hard-shelled seed of the coconut palm, lined with a white edible meat, and containing a milky liquid. এবিধ তাল জাতিৰ গছ আৰু তাৰ ফল
English: coconut,
Assamese: নাইৰকল্ bo , নাৰকল্, নাৰিকল, পুদোটক, ফলকেশৰ,
Bodo: नारेंखल,
Mising: narikol,
Garo: daba,
Meeteilon: yubi,
Karbi: kovetongsang, narikoi,
Nagamese: narikol,
Dimasa: nadigol,
Hindi: नारियल, नारीयल,
Bangla: নারকেল,
Deori: গদকা, মেপুচ্চিতি,
TAI-Khamti: mak-aun,
TAI-Turung: mu’um si
Assamese: নাইৰকল্ bo , নাৰকল্, নাৰিকল, পুদোটক, ফলকেশৰ,
Bodo: नारेंखल,
Mising: narikol,
Garo: daba,
Meeteilon: yubi,
Karbi: kovetongsang, narikoi,
Nagamese: narikol,
Dimasa: nadigol,
Hindi: नारियल, नारीयल,
Bangla: নারকেল,
Deori: গদকা, মেপুচ্চিতি,
TAI-Khamti: mak-aun,
TAI-Turung: mu’um si
11. PlantsVegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) Any of various plants of the genus Mentha, characteristically having aromatic foliage and nearly regular flowers. মেণ্ঠা প্ৰজাতিৰ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত এবিধ গছ, যাৰ সুগন্ধিযুক্ত পাত খাদ্যৰূপে গ্ৰহণ কৰা হয়।
English: common mint, corn mint, Field mint, mentha arvensis, Mentha arvensis L., mint, pudina, Wild mint.,
Assamese: পদিনা, পদুনা,
Bodo: पदमा मैगं,
Karbi: pudina,
Nagamese: pudina,
Dimasa: podina
Assamese: পদিনা, পদুনা,
Bodo: पदमा मैगं,
Karbi: pudina,
Nagamese: pudina,
Dimasa: podina
12. Plants(Common Noun-Common) An Eurasian plant of the genus Brassica, especially B. nigra and B. juncea, which are cultivated for their pungent seeds and edible leaves. OR, a condiment made from the powdered seeds of these plants.
এছিয়া আৰু ইউৰোপ মহাদেশত ইয়াৰ বীজ আৰু খাব পৰা পাতৰ বাবে খেতি কৰা ব্ৰাচিকা প্ৰজাতিৰ এক উদ্ভিদ৷
English: mustard, mustard seed,
Assamese: তন্তুভ, তিক্তগন্ধা, বেহাৰ, বেহৰ bo , সৰিয়হ,
Bodo: बेसर,
Mising: pétu,
Khasi: tyrso,
Garo: besual,
Karbi: hanjang,
Kok-Borok: horua,
Nagamese: sarso, sarsu,
Dimasa: yaolai,
Tiwa: pesar,
Deori: গিয়
Assamese: তন্তুভ, তিক্তগন্ধা, বেহাৰ, বেহৰ bo , সৰিয়হ,
Bodo: बेसर,
Mising: pétu,
Khasi: tyrso,
Garo: besual,
Karbi: hanjang,
Kok-Borok: horua,
Nagamese: sarso, sarsu,
Dimasa: yaolai,
Tiwa: pesar,
Deori: গিয়
13. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a small tree with very pungent aromatic leaves. The leaves are highly valued as
seasoning in South Indian and Sri Lankan cooking, much like bay leaves and
especially in curries with fish or coconut milk. The leaves are also used as a herb in Ayurvedic medicine. এবিধ সৰু সৰু পাতেৰে ঔষধি গছ৷
14. Plants(Common Noun) A kind of grass people use in any religious function. It is a medicinal grass . ধৰ্ম্মীয় উত্সৱত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা এবিধ তৃণ ৷ ইয়াক ঔষধ হিচাবেও ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷
English: Bent grass, panicum dactylon,
Assamese: ডুবৰি, দূৰ্ব্বা,
Bodo: दुब्रिहाग्रा,
Dimasa: duburi
Assamese: ডুবৰি, দূৰ্ব্বা,
Bodo: दुब्रिहाग्रा,
Dimasa: duburi
15. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a tall grass of tropical and warm regions, having a stout, jointed stalk, and constituting the chief source of sugar. এবিধ ঘাঁহ জাতীয় ৫-৭ ফুটমান ওখ গছ৷ ইয়াৰ পৰা চেনি তৈয়াৰ কৰা হয়৷
English: saccharumofficinarum, sugarcane,
Assamese: ইক্ষু, ইক্ষৱ, কʼইহাৰ্ bo , কুঁহিয়াৰ,
Bodo: खुसेर,
Mising: tabad,
Garo: gi.rit, grit,
Karbi: doklang arong, nok,
Nagamese: kuhiar, phikiri,
Dimasa: guru,
Hindi: ईख, गन्ना,
Bangla: আখ,
Rabha: কুৰচি,
Deori: চ্চঁ,
TAI-Khamti: oei,
Tutsa: rottong
Assamese: ইক্ষু, ইক্ষৱ, কʼইহাৰ্ bo , কুঁহিয়াৰ,
Bodo: खुसेर,
Mising: tabad,
Garo: gi.rit, grit,
Karbi: doklang arong, nok,
Nagamese: kuhiar, phikiri,
Dimasa: guru,
Hindi: ईख, गन्ना,
Bangla: আখ,
Rabha: কুৰচি,
Deori: চ্চঁ,
TAI-Khamti: oei,
Tutsa: rottong
16. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a strong, coarse fiber used for making burlap, gunny, cordage, etc., obtained from two East Indian plants এবিধ মজবুট আঁহ থকা গছ৷ এই গছৰ পৰা ৰচী, মোনা আদি তৈয়াৰ কৰা হয়৷
English: corchorus capsularis, jute,
Assamese: তিতামৰা, মৰাপাট,
Bodo: फाथो,
Khasi: u saihon,
Garo: me.katchi,
Dimasa: morapat,
Bangla: পাট,
Deori: মৰাপাত,
TAI-Turung: peseng
Assamese: তিতামৰা, মৰাপাট,
Bodo: फाथो,
Khasi: u saihon,
Garo: me.katchi,
Dimasa: morapat,
Bangla: পাট,
Deori: মৰাপাত,
TAI-Turung: peseng
Related Idea:
a. Material Noun-Neuter: কাঁই...
17. Plants(Common Noun-Common) the edible nutritious seed of various plants of the legume family, esp. of the genus Phaseolus. এবিধ ক্ষীণ আৰু দীঘল পাচলি।
English: bean,
Assamese: দাংবদি, লেচেৰা, লেচেৰামাহ,
Bodo: र्गसि,
Mising: pe:ron,
Khasi: u rymbai,
Meeteilon: hawai,
Karbi: thengbon,
Dimasa: sbaai,
Nepali: घांग्रा, बोडी,
Deori: বেকু,
TAI-Khamti: thu sai
Assamese: দাংবদি, লেচেৰা, লেচেৰামাহ,
Bodo: र्गसि,
Mising: pe:ron,
Khasi: u rymbai,
Meeteilon: hawai,
Karbi: thengbon,
Dimasa: sbaai,
Nepali: घांग्रा, बोडी,
Deori: বেকু,
TAI-Khamti: thu sai
18. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter)
[a] a tropical vine, Mucuna pruriens, of the legume family, bearing reddish or blackish pods.
[b] the pod itself, covered with bristlelike hairs that are irritating to the skin and cause intense itching. এবিধ গছত গজা লতাৰ গুটি৷ তাৰ শুঙে গাত চোঁৰাতৰ দৰে ডাকে৷
[a] a tropical vine, Mucuna pruriens, of the legume family, bearing reddish or blackish pods.
[b] the pod itself, covered with bristlelike hairs that are irritating to the skin and cause intense itching. এবিধ গছত গজা লতাৰ গুটি৷ তাৰ শুঙে গাত চোঁৰাতৰ দৰে ডাকে৷
English: buffalo beanus , cowage, cowhage, cowitch, itchy bean, Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.sci ,
Assamese: বান্দৰ-কেকোঁৱা
Assamese: বান্দৰ-কেকোঁৱা
19. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a creeper plant or its leaves eaten with betel-nuts তামোলৰ লগত খোৱা এবিধ লতা জাতিয় গছৰ পাত৷
English: betel, betel leaf, piper betle, sirih leaf,
Assamese: পাণ, বিৰা,
Bodo: फाथै,
Khasi: u kwai,
Garo: ban bijak,
Meeteilon: Kwa mna,
Karbi: bikon, bikron, bithi, bithi-kron,
Nagamese: pan,
Dimasa: mithih,
Nepali: पान, बिरा,
Hajong: পান
Assamese: পাণ, বিৰা,
Bodo: फाथै,
Khasi: u kwai,
Garo: ban bijak,
Meeteilon: Kwa mna,
Karbi: bikon, bikron, bithi, bithi-kron,
Nagamese: pan,
Dimasa: mithih,
Nepali: पान, बिरा,
Hajong: পান
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun: areca catechu, areca nut, betel nut, খিলি, গুৱা...Sub Idea:
b. Common Noun: Auni Paan, আউনী, আউনী-পাণ...
20. Plants(Common Noun) a kind of medicinal plant. oil extracted from the seeds of this plant is used as medicine. the oil is also used for burning lamps.
English: castor, Ricinus Communissci ,
Assamese: এৰণ্ড, এৰা, এৰাগছ, ভেৰেণ্ডা,
Bodo: इन्दि,
Garo: kuronda,
Karbi: ingki-an, ingkian,
Dimasa: rdao,
Deori: এৰেনা
Assamese: এৰণ্ড, এৰা, এৰাগছ, ভেৰেণ্ডা,
Bodo: इन्दि,
Garo: kuronda,
Karbi: ingki-an, ingkian,
Dimasa: rdao,
Deori: এৰেনা
Related Idea:
a. Material Noun-Neuter: এৰানি...
21. PlantsVegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) is an edible fern found throughout Asia and Oceania. It is probably the most commonly consumed fern, and is quite tasty, giving it the name "vegetable"
English: diplazium esculentum, fern,
Assamese: ঢেকীয়া, ঢেকীয়া পাত, ধেইকা bo ,
Bodo: दिखिया,
Mising: okai, rugtag,
Khasi: u tyrkhang,
Garo: gongginjak, me.konchek,
Meeteilon: changkhrong,
Karbi: dumkek, dungkek, dunkek,
Kok-Borok: মুকুমচক,
Dimasa: daonohlai,
TAI-Ahom: ফাক্ কুত,
Bangla: ঢেকি, পালইcb syl ,
Deori: ঢেকীয়া
Assamese: ঢেকীয়া, ঢেকীয়া পাত, ধেইকা bo ,
Bodo: दिखिया,
Mising: okai, rugtag,
Khasi: u tyrkhang,
Garo: gongginjak, me.konchek,
Meeteilon: changkhrong,
Karbi: dumkek, dungkek, dunkek,
Kok-Borok: মুকুমচক,
Dimasa: daonohlai,
TAI-Ahom: ফাক্ কুত,
Bangla: ঢেকি, পালইcb syl ,
Deori: ঢেকীয়া
22. Plants(Common Noun) Solanum torvum, is a bushy, erect and spiny perennial plant used horticulturally as a rootstock for eggplant. Grafted plants are very vigorous and tolerate diseases affecting the root system, thus allowing the crop to continue for a second year. The plant is usually 2 or 3 m in height and 2 cm in basal diameter, but may reach 5m in height and 8 cm in basal diameter. The shrub usually has a single stem at ground level, but it may branch on the lower stem. The stem bark is gray and nearly smooth with raised lenticels. এবিধ ভেঁকুৰীৰ নিচিনা, কিন্তু তাতকৈ ডাঙৰ গছ৷
23. PlantsVegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) any of various plants belonging to the genus Rumex, of the buckwheat family, having edible acid leaves used in salads, sauces, etc.
English: ambari, bladderdock, indian sorrel, rumex acetosa, rumex vesicariussci , sorrel, spinach dock,
Assamese: চুকা, চুকা শাক, চুকা-পালেং, চোকা শাক,
Bodo: सुखा,
Bangla: অম্বরী
Assamese: চুকা, চুকা শাক, চুকা-পালেং, চোকা শাক,
Bodo: सुखा,
Bangla: অম্বরী
24. Plants(Common Noun) This species is globally distributed in Indo-Malesia. Within India, it is distributed in the Himalayas from Himachal Pradesh to West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, ascending upto an altitude of 450 m., Peninsular India, up to an altitude of 600 m.,and Andaman islands. Streblus asper is a medium-sized tree native to dry regions in Thailand, India, Malaysia, and Vietnam. The leaves are 2 to 4 inches long, rigid, oval-shaped, irregularly toothed, and borne on small petioles. staminate flower heads are spherical with minute flowers. pistillate flowers have longer peduncles. এবিধ সহজভাৱে উপলভ্য গছ৷ ইয়াৰ ঠাৰিৰে দাঁত ঘহা হয়৷
25. Plants(Common Noun) Chinese Wedelia is a tender, spreading, and hairy herb, with the branches usually less than 50 cm long. The leaves are oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 2-4.5 cm in length, and narrowed at both ends. The margins are entire or obscurely toothed; and both surfaces are covered with sharp-pointed, appressed, straight, and stiff hairs. The heads are stalked, about 1 cm in diameter, and yellow. The involucral bracts are oblong-ovate. The ray flowers are 8-12, spreading, about equal to the bracts, and broad; the disk flowers number about 20, and are short, narrow, and pointed. The achenes are nearly cylindric, and hairy.
Medicinal uses: The leaves are used in dyeing grey hair and in promoting the growth of hair. They are considered tonic, alternative, and useful in coughs, cephalalgia, skin diseases, and alopecia. The juice of the leaves is much used as a snuff in cephalalgia. The seeds and flowers, as well as the leaves, are used in decoction, in the quantity of half of teacupful twice daily, as a deobstruent. In decoction, the plant is used in uterine haemorrhage and menorrhagia. মাটিকাদুৰিৰ দৰে এবিধ মোহাৰিলে হাত ক’লা কৰা বন৷ ইয়াক ঔষধত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়৷
English: Eclipta Elba, Vervesina Prostratra, Wedelia chinensis,
Assamese: কেহেৰাজ, কেহৰাজ, কৈটভ, ভীমৰাজ
Assamese: কেহেৰাজ, কেহৰাজ, কৈটভ, ভীমৰাজ
26. Plants(Common Noun) a kind of weed that grows in swampy areas up to 0.3-3 m tall characterized by white,pink, blue, violet, purple or yellow trumpet-shaped flowers and may contain LSD-related hallucinogens or toxic levels of nitrates
27. Plants(Common Noun) a tall grass-like plant with long straight hairs growing from the head of each stem, or the grain obtained from this plant which is used for food and for making beer and whisky
বাম মাটিত সিঁচি খেতি কৰা ধানৰ নিচিনা এবিধ শস্য ৷ ইয়াৰপৰা প্ৰধানকৈ ময়দা তৈয়াৰ কৰা হয় ৷ কিণ্বন প্ৰক্ৰিয়াৰে ইয়াৰ বীজৰ পৰা সুৰা তৈয়াৰ কৰাত বহুলভাৱে ব্যৱহাৰ হয় ৷
28. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a tall perennial cane growing in damp soils, either fresh or moderately saline. It is one of the several species of the so-called reed. নৈৰ পাৰত বনৰীয়াভাৱে গজা ওখ বেত জাতীয় গছ বিশেষ৷
English: arundo donax,
Assamese: নল
b. Material Noun-Neuter: নলনি...
c. Common Noun-Neuter: phragmites karka, খাগৰি, hakiri...
Assamese: নল
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun: elephant grass, giant reed, Grass of lucky augury, Poa cynosuroides Retzius, ravennagrass...b. Material Noun-Neuter: নলনি...
c. Common Noun-Neuter: phragmites karka, খাগৰি, hakiri...
29. Plants(Common Noun) a tall perennial reed that grows in fresh waters or marshy lands
English: elephant grass, giant reed, Grass of lucky augury, Poa cynosuroides Retzius, ravennagrass, reed, Saccharum ravennae, Sacred Creeping Grass,
Assamese: ইকৰা, ইষিক, ইষিকা,
Mising: tapi,
Khasi: u khah,
Nagamese: khagori,
TAI-Ahom: ক মাই, নিন,
Deori: য়বুুং
b. Common Noun-Neuter: arundo donax, নল...
c. Common Noun-Neuter: phragmites karka, খাগৰি, hakiri...
Assamese: ইকৰা, ইষিক, ইষিকা,
Mising: tapi,
Khasi: u khah,
Nagamese: khagori,
TAI-Ahom: ক মাই, নিন,
Deori: য়বুুং
Related Idea:
a. Abstract Noun: ইকৰানি...b. Common Noun-Neuter: arundo donax, নল...
c. Common Noun-Neuter: phragmites karka, খাগৰি, hakiri...
30. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) The handing cluster of bananas from a banana tree. কলগছৰ পৰা ওলমি থকা কলৰ সমষ্টি
English: banana bunch,
Assamese: কলৰ ঠোক, ঠোক,
Dimasa: thailik bokhojong
Assamese: কলৰ ঠোক, ঠোক,
Dimasa: thailik bokhojong
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun: banana, musa acuminata, কদলী, কল, কলগছ...
31. Plants(Common Noun) a medicinal plant found in the himalayan foothills. The leaves smell like garlic when crushed and known to have insect repellent properties. Used for treating dysentery, fevers, high blood pressure, hypochondria, insanity, insect stings, insomnia, painful bowel disorders, epilepsy and dyspepsia.
32. Plants(Common Noun) any of numerous plants of the genus Urtica, having toothed leaves, unisexual apetalous flowers, and stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact এবিধ ২-৩ মিটাৰ ওখ, কোমল, জোপোহাজাতীয় উদ্ভিদ। কাণ্ড তথা পাতবিলাক বিষাক্ত শুংযুক্ত। পাত একক, অভিমুখী, ১৫-২২ ছে:মি: বহল,কিছুমান পাত ৪০ ছে:মি: পৰ্যন্ত দীঘল, ডিম্বাকাৰ বা উপবৃত্তাকাৰ বা আয়তাকাৰ, দাঁতি নিমজ বা সামান্য দাঁতৰি কটা। ফুল একলিংগী, সৰু, শাখাযুক্ত ৰেচিম পুষ্পবিন্যাসত ফুলে। ফল বগা, সৰু সৰু। এই গছৰ পাত গাত লাগিলে খজুৱাই আৰু চকলা চকল পাতে।
33. PlantsCustoms(Common Noun-Neuter) A flowering plant found in Asia and Africa. Its leaves and their powder are used dyeing hair, skin and leather.
34. Plants(Common Noun) A plant of the oxalis family that gets the name acetosella because of its sour taste.
English: common wood sorrel, oxalis acetosella,
Assamese: চাঙেৰী, চাঙৰী, চেঙেৰী, টেঙেচি, টেঙেচি শাক, টেঙেচী শাক, টেঙ্গেচি শাক, টেঙ্গেচী শাক,
Bangla: আমরুল, আমলতি
Assamese: চাঙেৰী, চাঙৰী, চেঙেৰী, টেঙেচি, টেঙেচি শাক, টেঙেচী শাক, টেঙ্গেচি শাক, টেঙ্গেচী শাক,
Bangla: আমরুল, আমলতি
35. Plants(Common Noun) A woody vine that has a strong pungent smell. In Assam it is used as a medicinal plant against common intestinal disorders. এবিধ গোন্ধ থকা লতা৷ ইয়াৰ বহুটো ঔষধি গুণ আছে৷
English: paederia foetidasci , skunk vine,
Assamese: গন্ধভাদুলীয়াold , পাদুৰিলতা, প্ৰসাৰণীold , ভাদুলীলতা, ভেদাইলতা, ভেদেলতা bo ,
TAI-Ahom: ঞা কাও কা হিত,
Bangla: গন্ধ ভাদাল, ভাদাল পাতা, ভাদালি লতা,
Nepali: पादे लहरो
Assamese: গন্ধভাদুলীয়াold , পাদুৰিলতা, প্ৰসাৰণীold , ভাদুলীলতা, ভেদাইলতা, ভেদেলতা bo ,
TAI-Ahom: ঞা কাও কা হিত,
Bangla: গন্ধ ভাদাল, ভাদাল পাতা, ভাদালি লতা,
Nepali: पादे लहरो
36. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A species of succulent plants of the Aloe family known to have medicinal values চাল কুঁৱৰী সাধাৰণতে শুকান আৰু উষ্ণ অঞ্চলত জন্মা কেকটাচ জাতীয় এবিধ ঔষধি গছ। যিকোনো ধৰণৰ টাব অথবা মাটিৰ পাত্ৰত ই সহজে হয়।
37. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A deciduous shrub with thin gray bark প্ৰতি ঠাৰিত পাঁচোতা পাত থকা এবিধ দৰৱৰ গছ
38. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black catechu এবিধ সুকাঠী গছ
39. Plants(Common Noun) A kind of pot herb that grows in the tropical regions of the world, especially tropical America, Africa, Asia and also in temperate Asia. It is known as a noxious weed which grows on roadsides, ditches, swamps, gardens, rice fields and tea plantations . Its leaves and young shoots are eaten as vegetable (1) or cooked in soup. A decoction is recommended as an herbal remedy to treat wounds, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, cough, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery and diabetes. Its root can relieve inflamed wounds (2). এবিদ ক্ষুদ্ৰ বন-শাক
English: Alternanthera sessilissci , dwarf copperleaf, scarlet hygro, sessile joyweed,
Assamese: নেওঠনীয়া শাক, মাটিকাদুৰি, মাটিগাদুৰি
Assamese: নেওঠনীয়া শাক, মাটিকাদুৰি, মাটিগাদুৰি
40. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a wild, medicinal plant having long pointed leaves. এডাল গা-গছ হোৱা, দীঘল, জোঙা পাতৰ এবিধ বনৰীয়া উদ্ভিদ।
41. Plants(Common Noun) Prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical region; heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft gray-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled গাত কাঁইট থকা ক্ষুদ্ৰ পাতেৰে এবিধ মাটিত বগোৱা লতাবন, ছুলে জঁয় পৰি যোৱা এবিধ বন
English: action plant, humble plant, mimosa pudica, sensitive plant, shame plant,
Assamese: আদৰ-মালতী, নিলাজী বন, পৈ-আদৰী বন, লজ্জাৱতী বন, লাজুকী বন, লাজুকী লতা,
Bodo: दावसा मोख्रेब हाग्रा,
Karbi: Bap therak,
Dimasa: sam gablao,
Nepali: बुवारी झार
Assamese: আদৰ-মালতী, নিলাজী বন, পৈ-আদৰী বন, লজ্জাৱতী বন, লাজুকী বন, লাজুকী লতা,
Bodo: दावसा मोख्रेब हाग्रा,
Karbi: Bap therak,
Dimasa: sam gablao,
Nepali: बुवारी झार
42. Plants(Common Noun) A climbing creeper used in medicine. The climber is found throughout the tropical regions of India. In Himachal Pradesh, it is frequented as a robust climber in Una, Paonta, Hamirpur, Kangra, Mandi and Chamba regions, upto 1200 m elevation above mean sea level. By seeing it's popularity in different kinds of aurvedic medicine, now a days Guduchi is cultivated commercially also. এইবিধ লতাজাতীয় গছৰ প্ৰায় সকলোবোৰ অংশই ভেষজ ঔষধ হিচাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় | ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ গ্ৰীষ্মপ্ৰধান সকলো অঞ্চলতে বিস্তৃত হৈ আছে | হিমাচল প্ৰদেশত বহলভিত্তিত গুলঞ্চৰ খেতিও কৰা হয়| গুলঞ্চ সাগৰৰ পৰা প্ৰায় ১২০০ মি. উচ্চতালৈকে পোৱা যায় | বৰ্তমানে ইয়াৰ ঔষধি গুণৰ প্ৰতি লক্ষ্য ৰাখি বানিজ্যিক ভিত্তিত খেতিও কৰা দেখা যায় |
English: Amrita, Guduchi, Gurach, Menispermum glabrum, Tinospora,
Assamese: অমৰলতা, আমৈলতা, গিলৈ, গুলঞ্চ, গুড়ুচী, শগুণীলতা, সিদ্ধিলতা,
Karbi: rijanglen, ৰিজাংলেন,
Deori: আমই লতা
Assamese: অমৰলতা, আমৈলতা, গিলৈ, গুলঞ্চ, গুড়ুচী, শগুণীলতা, সিদ্ধিলতা,
Karbi: rijanglen, ৰিজাংলেন,
Deori: আমই লতা
43. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Andrographis paniculata, the Kalmegh of Ayurveda is an erect annual herb extremely bitter in taste in each and every part of the plant body. The plant is known in north-eastern India as ‘Chirota' or 'Maha-tita’, literally ‘king of bitters’ and known by various vernacular names. Mostly the leaves and roots were used for medicinal purposes. Chirota is widely cultivated in India and Sri Lanka.
চিৰতা আয়ুৰ্বেদ শাস্ত্ৰত কালমেঘ হিচাবেও জনা যায়| এই গুল্ম জাতীয় উদ্ভিদবিধ উত্তৰ-পূৱ ভাৰতত 'মহা-তিতা' অৰ্থাৎ তিতাৰ ৰজা বুলিও পৰিচিত| বিশেষকৈ পাত আৰু শিপা ঔষধ হিচাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়| চিৰতা ভাৰতৰ ওপৰিও শ্রীলঙ্কাতো পোৱা যায়|
চিৰতা আয়ুৰ্বেদ শাস্ত্ৰত কালমেঘ হিচাবেও জনা যায়| এই গুল্ম জাতীয় উদ্ভিদবিধ উত্তৰ-পূৱ ভাৰতত 'মহা-তিতা' অৰ্থাৎ তিতাৰ ৰজা বুলিও পৰিচিত| বিশেষকৈ পাত আৰু শিপা ঔষধ হিচাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়| চিৰতা ভাৰতৰ ওপৰিও শ্রীলঙ্কাতো পোৱা যায়|
44. Plants(Common Noun-Common) The Malabar Spinach is a common vagetable in tropical Africa and southeast Asia, where it originated. Only the young leaves are eaten. To prepare, boil and discard water. Young leaves can be added to a green salad. এবিধ লতা জাতীয় ডাঙৰ ডাঙৰ পাতযুক্ত বিজলুৱা শাক৷ ই দুবিধ, এবিধ ৰঙা আৰু আন বিধ সেউজীয়া ৷
English: Basella Albasci , Basella alba L.sci , Ceylon spinach, Indian spinach, Malabar Spinach, Surinam spinach, Vine spinach,
Assamese: অকণ্ঠ্যা, পুৰৈশাক, পূৰৈশাক,
Dimasa: miphrai gajau
Assamese: অকণ্ঠ্যা, পুৰৈশাক, পূৰৈশাক,
Dimasa: miphrai gajau
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun-Neuter: Basella alba L. ’Rubra’ , red vine spinach, Red-stemmed Malabar spinach, Red-stemmed vine spinach, ৰঙা পূৰৈ...
45. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) Climbing palm of Sri Lanka and India remarkable for the great length of the stems. The stem of various climbing palms of the genus Calamus and related genera used to make wickerwork and furniture and canes. শ্ৰীলঙ্কা আৰু ভাৰতবৰ্ষত পোৱা দীঘল গা-গছেৰে এবিধ লতা জাতীয় কাঁইটীয়া গছ | বিভিন্ন প্ৰকাৰৰ বেঁত চকী-মেজ আদি বনাবলৈ কূটীৰ শিল্পত বহুলভাৱে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা দেখা যায় | অসমতো বাঁহ-বেতৰ চকীৰ বহুল প্ৰচলন দেখা যায় |
46. Plants(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) a kind of plant growing on marshy ground, and of which mats and puppets are made. পথাৰৰ পানী তল যোৱা ঠাইত হোৱা এবিধ গছ, তাৰ গা কোমল, সোপোকা আৰু পাতল, ইয়াৰ দ্বাৰা কঠ, পুতলা আদি তৈয়াৰ কৰা হয় ৷
47. Plants(Common Noun) a perennial herb native to tropical Asia and Africa identified by its bright purple flower বহল পাতেৰে মাটিত বগোৱা এবিধ বন ।
English: Benghal dayflower, commelina benghalensis, tropical spiderwort,
Assamese: কনাশিমলু, কনাসিমলা
Assamese: কনাশিমলু, কনাসিমলা
48. Plants(Common Noun) it is a small herbaceous annual plant of the family Apiaceae, native to Asia and is used in Ayurvedic medicines
49. Plants(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) a herb of a genus of 12-15 species of vespertine flowering plants belonging to the family Solanaceae, containing many toxic chemicals that induce hallucinations and delusion on the taker. It is also used in ayurvedic medicnes.
Assamese: কনক্-ধুতূৰা, ধতুৰা, ধুতূৰা,
Bodo: धतुरा,
Meeteilon: shagolhidak
50. Plants(Common Noun-Common) The Pitcher-plant is a carnivorous plant, a meat eater. Carnivorous plants usually live in nitrogen poor soils. They have 'learned' to augment the inadequate nitrogen available in the soil by capturing and consuming insects. The inside of the tubular shaped leaf is lined with downward pointing hairs. These hairs block an insect from climbing up the tube and escaping. The fluid in the bottom of the tube contains digestive juices that will consume the insect prey. প্ৰাকৃতিক ভাৱে নাইট্ৰ’জেন অভাৱ হোৱা ঠাইত পোৱা এবিধ মাংসহাৰী উদ্ভিদ | বিশেষ ভাৱে ৰূপান্তৰ হোৱা কলচী আকৃতিৰ পাতৰ ভিতৰত পোক পৰুৱা আৱদ্ধ কৰি কলচীৰ ভিতৰত থকা পাচক ৰসেৰে তাক হজম কৰি নাইট্ৰ’জেনৰ অভাৱ দূৰ কৰে |
51. Plants(Common Noun) An erect, summer annual herb growing to about 60 cm in height. It is one of the most obnoxious weeds found in tea gardens in NE India.
Assamese: গাহৰি বন
52. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) Kans grass is a grass native to South Asia. A lowland ecoregion at the base of the Himalaya range in Nepal, India, and Bhutan, This grass almost pure stands on the lowest portions of the floodplain. Kans grasslands are an important habitat for the Indian Rhinoceros. In Nepal, Kans grass is harvested to thatch roofs. It is a perennial grass, growing up to three meters in height. অসমত কঁহুৱা নামেৰে জনাজাত এই বনবিধ ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ বিভিন্ন ৰাজ্যৰ উপৰিও দক্ষিণ আফ্ৰিকা আৰু হিমালয়ৰ কাষৰীয়া ঠাই নেপাল, ভূটান আদিৰ অৰণ্যত পোৱা যায়৷ এই বনবিধ সাধাৰণতে নদী কাষৰীয়া অঞ্চলত প্ৰচুৰ পৰিমাণে গজি উঠা দেখা যায়৷ এই বনবিধ ভাৰতৰ গঁড়ৰ প্ৰধান খাদ্য৷ নেপালত এইবিধ বন ঘৰৰ চাল চোৱা কামত প্ৰায়ে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা দেখা যায়৷ এই বনবিধ দক্ষিণ এছিয়াৰ অৰণ্যত প্ৰচুৰ পৰিমাণে পোৱা যায়৷ এই বনবিধৰ জীৱনকাল দুবছৰ৷ এই বনবিধৰ বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম হ’ল ছ্যাচাৰাম স্পণ্টেনিয়াম৷ ইহঁতৰ উচ্চতা তিনি মিটাৰলৈকে হয়৷ এই বনবিধৰ গণ হ’ল- ছ্যাচাৰাম আৰু প্ৰজাতি হ’ল- স্পণ্টেনিয়াম৷
53. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Amaranthus, collectively known as amaranth or pigweed, is a cosmopolitan genus of herbs. Approximately 60 species are presently recognized, with inflorescences and foliage ranging from purple and red to gold. Members of this genus share many characteristics and uses with members of the closely related genus Celosia.Although several species are often considered weeds, people around the world value amaranths as leaf vegetables, cereals and ornamentals. প্ৰায় ৬০ টা ভিন-ভিন প্ৰজাতিত উপলব্ধ এবিধ বনশাক ৷
English: amaranths, amaranthus, Amaranthus viridus Lsci , pigweed,
Assamese: ক্ষুত্তৰণ, খুটৰা শাক, খুতৰা শাক, চাঁৰুলি,
Bodo: दावला खुंगुर
Assamese: ক্ষুত্তৰণ, খুটৰা শাক, খুতৰা শাক, চাঁৰুলি,
Bodo: दावला खुंगुर
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun: Amaranthus spinosus, Prickly Amaranth, কাঁটা-খুতৰা, হাতী-খুতৰা, হাতী-চাঁৰুলি...Super Idea:
b. Common Noun-Neuter: Amaranth...
54. Plants(Common Noun) Bambusa tulda or Indian Timber Bamboo is considered to be one of the most useful of bamboo species. It is used extensively by the paper pulp industry in India. It can grow up to a height of 15 m, and a thickness of 8 cm.
Assamese: কটহাবাঁহ
Super Idea:
a. Common Noun: bamboo, বাঁহ, বাঁহ গছ, বাংশ, বেণু...
55. Plants(Common Noun) A kind of big bamboo grown in hilly region.This stately bamboo is called pao by the Lepchas and wah by the Mechis in Sikkim. The young shoots are boiled and eaten.
Perennial; caespitose. Rhizomes short; pachymorph. Culms erect, or arching; 1200–2000 cm long; 100–185 mm diam.; woody; with root dots on the nodes. Culm-internodes terete; thick-walled; 30–50 cm long; dark green, or grey; distally pubescent. Lateral branches dendroid. Buds or branches absent from lower quarter of culm. Culm-sheaths 35–45 cm long; 2 times as long as wide; antrorsely scabrous; glabrous, or hispid; with dark brown hairs; truncate at apex. Culm-sheath ligule entire. Culm-sheath blade lanceolate, or narrowly ovate; narrower than sheath; 15–30 cm long. Leaf-sheaths keeled; hispid; hairs white. Ligule an eciliate membrane. Leaf-blade base asymmetrical; with a brief petiole-like connection to sheath. Leaf-blades lanceolate; 20–37 cm long; 20–40 mm wide. Leaf-blade venation with 12–34 secondary veins. Leaf-blade surface scabrous; rough abaxially; glabrous. Leaf-blade margins scabrous. Leaf-blade apex acuminate.
English: Dendrocalamus hamiltonisci ,
Assamese: পাহাৰী কাকবাঁহ
Assamese: পাহাৰী কাকবাঁহ
Super Idea:
a. Common Noun: bamboo, বাঁহ, বাঁহ গছ, বাংশ, বেণু...
56. Plants(Common Noun) A species of spiny bamboo with relatively longer internode. ঘন, কাঁইটীয়া আখিৰে এবিধ ফোঁপোলা পাব দীঘল বাঁহ ৷
English: Bambusa arundinaceasci , Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Wi, Bambusa bambos (L.) Vosssci , Indian bamboo, Reed bamboo, Spiny bamboo, Thorny bamboo,
Assamese: মকাল বাঁহ,
Karbi: Chekso
Assamese: মকাল বাঁহ,
Karbi: Chekso
Super Idea:
a. Common Noun: bamboo, বাঁহ, বাঁহ গছ, বাংশ, বেণু...
57. Plants(Common Noun-Common) The Bryophyllums are a section in the plant genus Kalanchoe of the Crassulaceae family. There are about twenty to thirty species in the group, native originally of South Africa, Madagascar, and Asia. The group is notable for vegetatively growing small plantlets on the fringes of the leaves; these eventually drop off and root. এবিধ ঔষধি গুণসম্পন্ন সপুষ্পক উদ্ভিদ, যাৰ পাতৰ পৰা নতুন গছৰ জন্ম হয়৷ ইয়াৰ পাতৰ ৰস মধুমেহ ৰোগীৰ কাৰণে বৰ উপকাৰী৷
English: air plant, Bryophyllum, Bryophyllum pinnatum, goethe plant, life plant, miracle leaf,
Assamese: দুপৰটেঙা, পাতে-গজা, পাতেবাহাৰ,
Bangla: পাথরকুচি
Assamese: দুপৰটেঙা, পাতে-গজা, পাতেবাহাৰ,
Bangla: পাথরকুচি
58. Plants(Common Noun) a kind of wild turmeric. It is more redish then edible turmeric. People never used it as a medicine or spice in cooking. আপুনা আপুনি হোৱা এবিধ হালধি৷ ই মানুহে ৱ্যবহাৰ কৰা হালধি বিধতকৈ বেচি ৰঙচুৱা ৷ ইয়াক মানুহে খোৱাৰ বাবে ৱ্যবহাৰ নকৰে ৷
59. Plants(Common Noun) A creeper that bears long-pepper and looks like a betel-leaf. People use as a pungent spice. পানৰ আকৃতিৰ লতা জাতীয় এবিধ দীঘল আৰু নিচেই পাতল জালুকৰ দৰে জলা গুটি৷
Assamese: পিপলি, পিপলী,
Bodo: सिमप्रि,
Deori: পিপলি
60. Plants(Common Noun) A kind of wild plant with a brunch of sting fruit used as a pot-herb . সৰু সৰু হুলৰে থোপাথোপিকৈ লগা এবিধ সৰু উদ্ভিদ ৷ ইয়াক লাওপানী বা সাজপানী তৈয়াৰীত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷
61. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A spices of grass wich root is round & used as a medicine. Generally it is grown in front of the courtyard. এবিধ চোঁতালত হোৱা মুথা-জাতিৰ বন৷ ইয়াৰ শিপাৰ আকৃতি প্ৰায়ে গোল আৰু ইয়াক দৰবত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়৷
62. Plants(Common Noun) A branched, slender-stemmed perennial vine. The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs along the stems and are heart-shaped or triangular with an acute tip and a broad base. Leaves may be 4-13cm long. Once established, Mikania micrantha spreads at an alarming rate, readily climbing and twining on any vertical support, including crops, bushes, trees, walls and fences. Its shoots have been reported to grow up to 27mm a day. Mikania micrantha damages or kills other plants by cutting out the light and smothering them. এবিধ সেউজীয়া লতা জাতিয় অপতৃণ৷ হাবি-জংঘলত এইবিধ লতাই এখন ডাঠ দলিচাৰ সৃষ্টি কৰি সূৰ্য্যৰ ৰশ্মি পৰাত বাধা দিয়ে আৰু অন্য উদ্ভিদক ধ্বংস কৰে৷ এই লতাৰ বংশবৃদ্ধি অতি দ্ৰুত গতিত হয়৷
63. Plants(Common Noun) Cuscuta or Dodder is a parasitic creeper plant, it is yellow in colour. It can be identified by its thin leafless stems. এবিধ পাত নথকা হালধীয়া লতা৷ ই গছৰ ওপৰতে জন্মে আৰু তাত বগাই গছজোপা ঢাকি পেলাই ৷
English: Cuscuta, Dodder,
Assamese: আকাশীলতা, চীনালতা, তেলাকুচা, প্ৰেমলতা, মেকানিলতা, স্বৰ্ণলতা,
Bangla: রিফিউজি লতা, স্বর্ণলতা,
Deori: চাগেৰে লতা
Assamese: আকাশীলতা, চীনালতা, তেলাকুচা, প্ৰেমলতা, মেকানিলতা, স্বৰ্ণলতা,
Bangla: রিফিউজি লতা, স্বর্ণলতা,
Deori: চাগেৰে লতা
64. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a cereal plant bearing small nutritious seeds
Assamese: জোৱাৰ, মাকৈ, মৰুৱা ধান,
Bodo: बज्रा,
Mising: tapi-taie,
Garo: misi,
Meeteilon: bajra,
Karbi: Jangmilen, tamir,
Dimasa: maisi,
Bangla: বাজরা
65. Plants(Common Noun) It is a medicinal plant that has been customarily used in the Indian subcontinent to hasten the process of healing in bone fractures. The plant grows throughout India, especially, in hotter regions and in Sri Lanka, The tendril climber has quadrangular stems with ridges. The stems are often leafless, when old. Few aerial roots arise from the joined nodes and grow towards the soil, The leaves are small, simple, heart-shaped and toothed. The flowers are small, greenish white, in short cymes. The fruits are globose or ovoid berries, red when ripe. এবিধ সৰু দীঘলীয়া পাতেৰে লতা; তাক খুন্দি বান্ধি দিলে হাত ভৰিৰ ভগা হাড় যোৰা খায় বুলি কয় ৷
English: Cissus quadrangularissci , Heliotropium indicumsci , Veld grape, Vitis quadrangularissci ,
Assamese: হাড়জোৰা লতা
Assamese: হাড়জোৰা লতা
66. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Cassia tora is a genus of Senna, it has small yellow coloured flower and almost oval shaped leaf. It's pods are round and bony long. হালধীয়া আৰু গুলপীয়া ফুল ফুলা এবিধ সৰু উদ্ভিদ ৷ ইয়াৰ আগ আৰু কোমল পাত খাদ্য হিচাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷
English: Cassia occidentalis, Senna obtusifolia,
Assamese: দাদিগ্দিগা, মেদেলুৱা
Assamese: দাদিগ্দিগা, মেদেলুৱা
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun: Cassia tora, Senna tora, Stinking Cassia, বন মেদেলুৱা...
67. Plants(Common Noun) A kind of edible sour plant, people used to prepare sour carry with fish. মাছৰ লগত খোৱা এবিধ টেঙা শাক ৷
English: Hibiscus panduriformis, hibiscus subdariffa,
Assamese: টেঙামৰা, মেচকা টেঙা,
Karbi: hanserong,
Dimasa: theklao-mikhri,
Bangla: সইলফাsyl , সৌলফা
Assamese: টেঙামৰা, মেচকা টেঙা,
Karbi: hanserong,
Dimasa: theklao-mikhri,
Bangla: সইলফাsyl , সৌলফা
68. Plants(Common Noun) A kind of long and stiff grass people used for building a house roof. ঘৰৰ চালি সাঁজিবৰ বাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা এবিধ দীঘল আৰু টান খেৰ ৷
English: Thatch, Thatching grass,
Assamese: উলূ, ঘৰ-ছোৱা বন, শৰণ খেৰ,
Bodo: थोरि,
Garo: am.pang,
Karbi: phelang,
Dimasa: tirih
Assamese: উলূ, ঘৰ-ছোৱা বন, শৰণ খেৰ,
Bodo: थोरि,
Garo: am.pang,
Karbi: phelang,
Dimasa: tirih
Related Idea:
a. Material Noun-Neuter: উলূ-ফিচিকা...
69. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A small herbal plant with white flowering from the family Lamiaceae. Also it has strong digestive power. People used as herbal medecine. দ্ৰোণ এবিধ সৰু বনৌষধি উদ্ভিদ ৷ ইয়াৰ সৰু সৰু ফুল ফুলে ৷ মানুহে পেটৰ অসুখত ইয়াক পাতত দি পিটিকি খায় ৷ ই হজমী শক্তি আৰু ভোক বঢ়ায় ৷
70. Plants(Common Noun-Common) The rice plant is a grass which can grow to over 1 m tall or to 5 m long in deep water. Stem is upright and composed of a series of joint-like nodes. A leaf grows from each node. Seed (or grain) grows on branch-like spikes which arch over. The grain is the most economically important part of the rice plant, and its endosperm is the final product consumed.
Rice should not be confused with 'wild rice' which is the North American Zizania aquatica, also in the grass family but not closely related.
English: rice plant,
Dimasa: maipang
Dimasa: maipang
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun: paddy, rice, ধান, ধান্য, সোণগুটি...
71. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A specis of medicinal plants found in the North East India which is used for traditional healing system in the tribal society. its rhizome is crushed and applied on injuries caused by thorns on skin and body parts. The stems are eaten raw to cure stomach disorder.
72. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Brhati is a medicinal plant. Brhati occurs throughout India, often in waste places, on roadsides and in open scrublands. It is a prickly, much branched shrub, usually spreading or diffused, It grows upto 1-5 metres in height. The young branches are densely covered with minute star – shaped hairs . The prickles are yellow, shining, about 1-5 cm long. The leaves upto 10 cm long, their midribs and other nerves with sharp yellow prickles. The flowers are purple, about 2 cm long, in racemose extra – axillary cymes. The fruits round, 1.5 – 2 cm, dark yellow when ripe. The seeds are smooth, minutely pitted. The botanical name of brhati is Solanum indicum and it belongs to family Solanceae. In the Ayurvedic formulary of India. Solanum indicum (brhati) and Sulanum xanthocarpum (kantakari), together, are termed as brhari dvayam. The fruit and root of brhati contain wax, fatty acids and alkaloids solanin and solanidine. Traditionally, among some of the tribal people in the North East India, the raw berry fruits of brhati are crushed and applied on boils, scorpion stings and bee stings. They are also eaten for the cure of diabetes. সৰু সৰুকৈ থোপাথোপে গুটি লগা এবিধ বেঙেনা জাতীয় তিতা গছ আৰু তাৰ ফল ৷ মানুহে তাৰ আঞ্জা খায় ৷
English: African Eggplant, Brihati, Bush Tomato, Indian Nightshade, Ntunfulu, Poison Berry, Solanum indicum,
Assamese: কটাহী বেঙেনা, কণ্টকাৰি, কোটোহা বেঙেনা, তিতা-ভেকুৰি, তিতাগুটি, বৃহতী, ভেকুৰি,
Karbi: theso-keho,
Dimasa: kimkatai
Assamese: কটাহী বেঙেনা, কণ্টকাৰি, কোটোহা বেঙেনা, তিতা-ভেকুৰি, তিতাগুটি, বৃহতী, ভেকুৰি,
Karbi: theso-keho,
Dimasa: kimkatai
73. Plants(Common Noun) Tall, perennial grasses with flexible, woody stalks from the family Poaceae that grow throughout the world in wet soils ঘাঁহ জাতীয় ওখ গছ। পিতনিত হয়।
Assamese: বেত, বেতস, বেতসলতা, বেত্ৰ,
Bodo: राइदों, रायदों,
Mising: jeing, joying,
Khasi: u thri,
Meeteilon: lee pambee,
Karbi: pri,
Dimasa: rai,
Nepali: छडी,
Deori: চকাতুঁ
74. Plants(Common Noun) Lemon Grass is a tall tropical grass. The fresh stalks and leaves have a clean lemonlike odour because they contain an essential oil, which is also present in lemon peel. Lemon grass is a long thick grass with leaves at the top and a solid portion several inches long at the root end. The lower portion is sliced or pounded and used in cooking. As a spice, fresh lemon grass is preferred for its vibrant flavour, but is also sold in dried form. The dried spice is available in several forms: chopped in slices, cut and sifted, powdered, or as an oil can be extracted from the plant. বিৰিণা জাতীয় এবিধ সুগন্ধি ঘাঁহ৷ ইযাৰ শিপাৰ পৰা তেল প্ৰস্তুত কৰা হয়৷
75. Plants(Common Noun) Any North-East Indian leguminous woody climbing plant of the genus Derris, esp Derris elliptica, whose roots yield the insecticide rotenone. However, Derris ferruginea species is mostly found in the evergreen forest of Upper Assam down to Darrang and Sibsagar. It yields a fair amount of rotenone up to 24 percent. Rotenone is mostly used to poison fish.
76. PlantsVegetables(Common Noun-Common) A kind of pot-herb that has a strong pungent smell. It is used as a medicinal plant against common intestinal disorders.
আউনী পাণৰ সদৃশ এবিধ বনৰীয়া ঔষধি গুণযুক্ত লতা শাক ৷ পেটৰ অসুখত ইয়াক পাতত দি খোৱা হয় ৷
77. Plants(Common Noun) Manjistha is found in Himalayas and other hillstations of India and is useful in alleviating Kapha and Pitta doshas. The roots of this plant are of high medicinal value. It is anti-inflammatory and is useful in healing wounds. It is helpful in treating skin diseases, in blood purification, increasing appetite and in stimulation and contraction of uterus. এবিধ লতা, ঔষধত ইয়াক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়৷
78. Plants(Common Noun) Alstonia scholaris is a small tree that grows up to 40 m tall and is glabrous. The bark is greyish; branchlets are copiously lenticellate.The upperside of the leaves are glossy, while the underside is greyish. Leaves occur in whorls of 3-10; petioles are 1-3 cm; the leathery leaves are narrowly obovate to very narrowly spathulate, base cuneate, apex usually rounded; lateral veins occur in 25-50 pairs, at 80-90° to midvein. Cymes are dense and pubescent; peduncle is 4-7 cm long. Pedicels are usually as long as or shorter than calyx. The corolla is white and tube-like, 6-10 mm; lobes are broadly ovate or broadly obovate, 2-4.5 mm, overlapping to the left. The ovaries are distinct and pubescent. The follicles are distinct and linear. এবিধ একেলগে সাতোটা পাত হোৱা গছ৷
79. Plants(Common Noun) Prickly Amaranth is an annual herb with sometimes red tinged erect stems, sometimes ascending, 30-150 cm long, usually branched. Leaves ovate to rhombic-ovate, elliptic, lanceolate-oblong, or lanceolate, blades 1-12 cm long, 0.89-6 cm wide, smooth, leaft stalk 1-9 cm long. Flowers green, in axillary clusters in the lower part of the plant and in unbranched or branched spikes in the upper part, the lower clusters entirely without stamens as are the lower flowers of the spikes, the upper flowers in the spikes staminate. এবিধ কাঁইটিয়া চাঁৰুলি জাতিৰ বন৷
English: Amaranthus spinosus, Prickly Amaranth,
Assamese: কাঁটা-খুতৰা, হাতী-খুতৰা, হাতী-চাঁৰুলি
Assamese: কাঁটা-খুতৰা, হাতী-খুতৰা, হাতী-চাঁৰুলি
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun-Common: amaranths, amaranthus, Amaranthus viridus L, pigweed, ক্ষুত্তৰণ...
80. Plants(Common Noun) Possibly the best known cultivated species of the genus Costus. This plant is native to southeast Asia, especially on the Greater Sunda Islands in Indonesia. Costus differs from the common ginger by having only one row of spirally arranged leaves. The plant has many historical uses in Ayurveda, where the rhizome has been used to treat fever, rash, asthma, bronchitis, and intestinal worms. It is mentioned in the Kama Sutra as an ingredient in a cosmetic to be used on the eyelashes to increase sexual attractiveness. এবিধ পোন আৰু দীঘল ক্ষুদ্ৰ গছ৷
81. Plants(Common Noun) This species is globally distributed in Afghanistan, India and Japan. Within India, it is found throughout the hilly regions of India, ascending to an altitude of 3600 m. in the western Himalayas and between an altitude range of 1500-2400 m. in Sikkim and Khasi hills; it is also found in Mount Abu in Rajasthan, and in the western ghats from Konkan southwards to Kerala. এবিধ সৰু তৃণ শ্ৰেণীৰ সুগন্ধি গছ৷
82. Plants(Common Noun) Argemone mexicana is a species of poppy found in Mexico and now widely naturalized in the United States, India and Ethiopia. An annual herb with bright yellow sap, it has been used by the Natives of the western US and parts of Mexico. The seed-pods secrete a pale-yellow latex substance when cut open. This argemone resin contains berberine and protopine, and is used medicinally as a sedative. Used in leprosy, scabies, and syphilis, in gonorrhea. Seed smoke in toothache and carriage. Oil is used as purgative and illuminating. Seed latex is used in dropsy, jaundice, cuta-neous affections, healing of ulcers, herpes, skin diseases. Also used as antidote against snakebite. এবিধ কাঁইটযুক্ত সেউজীয়া উদ্ভিদ৷
83. Plants(Common Noun) Annual sprawling herb, often rooting at the nodes; stems angular, glabrous to glandular-hairy, with long simple hairs at the nodes; internodes to 5 times the length of the leaves. Leaves ovate to reniform, 6–12 mm long, 8–12 mm wide; petiole 3–7 mm long, glabrous to glandular-hairy. Pedicels 2–7 mm long, glandular-hairy. Sepals 3–5 mm long, 3-veined with scarious margins. Petals usually bifid, 2–3 mm long, white. Capsule ovoid, 1.5–2 mm long; seeds reddish brown. Juice of the plant is laxative and anti febrile. The plant has cooling property. এবিধ দৰবত দিয়া সেউজীয়া লতাৰ দৰে বন৷
84. FlowersPlants(Common Noun) Ipomoea quamoclit is a species of morning glory native to tropical regions of the New World from northern South America north to Mexico. It is an annual or perennial herbaceous twining vine growing to 1-3 m tall. The leaves are 2-9 cm long, deeply lobed (nearly pinnate) with 9-19 lobes on each side of the leaf. The flowers are 3-4 cm long and 2 cm diameter, trumpet-shaped with five points, and can be red, pink or white; flowering is from early summer to late fall. কুঞ্জসজ্জাত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা এবিধ লতা৷ ই ফুলনিৰ কোনো ঠাই আৱৰি ৰাখে৷
85. Plants(Common Noun) Bharngi grows throughout India upto 1500 metres height. It grows in Eastern Himalaya, Nepal, Kumao, Bengal and Bihar, in abundance. It is a perennial shrub, growing 0.3-3.0 metres in height. The leaves are 7-15 cm long and 5 cm. broad, rough, serrate and tapering at the apes. The flowers are blue, fragrant and the plant looks beautiful during flowering. The fruits are purple drupes and succulent. The flowering and fruiting occurs during April and November. Bharngi is bitter, pungent and astringent in taste, pungent in the post digestive effect and has hot potency (virya). It alleviates kapha and vata dosas. It possesses light and dry attributes. It is useful in asthma, cough, fever, worms, burning sensation of the body and wounds. Bharngi is the most valuable herb to take internally in respiratory ailments and for all fevers in general. Traditionally in Konkan, the leaves are used as vegetables in malarial fever. মেলেৰীয়া আৰু সৰ্পদংশনৰ ঔষধ হিচাপে ব্যৱহৃত বন বিশেষ৷
86. Plants(Common Noun) Stinking Cassia is a small erect hairlesss shrub, about 1 m tall, commonly found growing wild on roadsides. True to its name, foetid/stinking cassia has a disagreeable smell. It is widely spreading with numerous ascending, hairless branches. The compound leaves are arranged spirally and usually have three pairs of symmetrically egg-shaped leaflets up to 2 inches long. One to three yellow flowers appear on short axillary stems. The linear pods grow to 8 inches long, curve downward and contain many shiny, angular seeds. It occurs abundantly in open pastures, and is very common on roadsides and wasteland. In organic farms of India, Stinking Cassia is used as natural pesticide. According to Ayurveda, the leaves and seeds are useful in leprosy, ringworm, flatulence, colic, dyspepsia, constipation, cough, bronchitis, cardiac disorders. (rfs- ঔষধত ব্যৱহৃত এবিধ বনৰীয়া গছ৷ মেদেলুৱা গছৰ এটা প্ৰজাতি৷
English: Cassia tora, Senna tora, Stinking Cassia,
Assamese: বন মেদেলুৱা
Assamese: বন মেদেলুৱা
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun-Common: Cassia occidentalis, Senna obtusifolia, দাদিগ্দিগা, মেদেলুৱা...
87. Plants(Common Noun) A turmeric like plant that grows in swampy places. The trunk of the tree is slender and has long sheath on it. It has leaves similar to turmeric. It`s sheaths are dried and used to make tether for cows. It is an old ritual to give this tether to the cows on Bohag bihu. প্ৰায়ে দ পিতনি আদি জলাতন ঠাইত হোৱা, দীঘল দীঘল বৌখা আৰু মূৰত দীঘলীয়া হালধিৰ দৰে পাত থকা এবিধ বন-গছ৷ ইয়াৰ বৌখাবিলাক ছিৰি, শুকুৱাই তাৰে পঘা, জৰী আদি বাটিব পাৰি৷ ব’হাগ-বিহুত ইয়াৰ নতুন পঘা গৰুক দিয়াটো পুৰণি ৰীতি৷
88. Plants(Common Noun) It is a perennial herb with a woody base and grows to a height of 0.5 - 2 meter. Its leaves are petiolate, opposite and occur in various sizes. Flowers are more than 50 cm in length and are greenish white in colour.
Prickly chaff has diuretic, expectorant and purgative properties. The juice of its leaves is used in fever, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, dropsy and other diseases. Decoction prepared using the herb is used in stomach ache and bowel complaints, piles, boils, skin eruptions etc.
Assamese: অপমাৰ্গ
89. Plants(Common Noun) One type of tree whose leaf colors are used as lipstick while dancing bihu by woman dancers in Assam. এবিধ গছ, যাৰ পাতৰ ৰস অসমৰ বিহুৱতীয়ে বিহু নাচ নচাৰ সময়ত ওঁঠত ৰং বোলাবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে।
English: Boramthuri, Magnolia gustavii king, Magnolia hodgsonii, Talauma hodgsonii,
Assamese: বঢ়মথুৰি, বৰমথুৰি
Assamese: বঢ়মথুৰি, বৰমথুৰি
90. Plants(Common Noun) a kind of grass which generally grows in open land. It is an invasive species in the grass family Poaceae. It is a small annual weed distributed throughout the warmer areas of the world to about 50 degrees latitude. Understanding this species is complicated by disagreement about species limits, and by persistent misspelling. মুকলি ঠাইত গজা, ঔষধত ব্যবহাৰ হোৱা এবিধ সৰু বন৷
English: Crowfootgrass, Eleusine indicasci , Indian goosegrass, Wiregrass,
Assamese: দাবচা, ববচা,
TAI-Ahom: ঞা-মিত-কুপ
Assamese: দাবচা, ববচা,
TAI-Ahom: ঞা-মিত-কুপ
91. Plants(Common Noun) a kind of wild betel creeper plant. এবিধ বনৰীয়া পাণ৷
Assamese: আউনী, আউনী-পাণ
Super Idea:
a. Common Noun-Neuter: betel, betel leaf, piper betle, sirih leaf, পাণ...
92. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A kind of shrub having pricks in it`s body. It is a herbal medicine used in the toothache and mouth malodorous. এবিধ জোপোহা কাঁইটিয়া উদ্ভিদ ৷ ইয়াক দাঁত আৰু মুখৰ বেমাৰত দাঁতোন হিচাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিলে সুফল পোৱা যায় ৷
93. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A oval shaped wild cucurbitaceous fruit and its plant . তিঞহ জাতিৰ এবিধ গুটি ৷ ই দেখাত প্ৰায়ে কণীটোৰ আকৃতিৰ আৰু গাত বগা আঁক টনা আছে ৷
94. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) Swallow wort, any of several plants of the milkweed family. It has clusters of waxy flowers that are either white or lavender in colour with oval, light green leaves. বগা আঠা ওলোৱা এবিধ গছ ৷
95. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a kind of bushy plant বাখৰৰ দৰে ফুলৰ বিৰল প্ৰজাতিৰ জোপোহা গছ বিশেষ
96. Plants(Common Noun) A giant woody liana or climber from the genus Entada. It is also referred as the India’s largest pod-bearing climber. The size of the seed is almost equal to the kneecap. The plant appears naturally from near Durban northwards throughout tropical Africa and into India, south-east Asia and Australia. The seeds are used to play a game named "ghila khel" in rural Assam. বৃহৎ কলেবৰৰ আৰু মটৰমাহৰ দৰে চেউ ধৰা এবিধ গছ ৷ ই ভাৰতৰ আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰ চেউ লগা গছ হিচাৱে জনাজাত ৷ ইয়াৰ গুটিবোৰ প্ৰায় আঁঠুৰ ঘিলাটোৰ সমান ডাঙৰ হয় ৷ ভাৰত, আফ্ৰিকা, অষ্ট্ৰেলিয়া, দক্ষিণ-পূৱ এচিয়া আদিত ইয়াৰ বিস্তৃতি পোৱা যায় ৷ সৰু ল’ৰা-ছোৱালীয়ে ইয়াৰ গুটিৰে "ঘিলা খেল" খেলে ৷
97. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) Setaria italica; a small-seeded species of cereal crops or grains, widely grown for food and fodder. বাম খেতিত হোৱা এবিধ সৰু ঘূৰণীয়া ধান জাতীয় শস্য।
98. Plants(Material Noun-Neuter) a long array of fruits/seeds within a sheeth এটা আৱৰণৰ ভিতৰত থকা গছৰ ফল বা গুটিৰ দীঘলীয়া লানি বা শাৰী
99. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a large creeper yielding a large tuber. ফেৰেঙনি মেলা, ঘূৰণীয়া পাতেৰে এবিধ লতাৰ মাটিৰ তলত হোৱা কোমোৰাৰ নিচিনা মূল।
English: Batatas paniculatus, Convolvulus paniculatus, paniculata,
Assamese: গুণৰাজ, পতালী-কোমোৰা, ভূঁই-কোমোৰা
Assamese: গুণৰাজ, পতালী-কোমোৰা, ভূঁই-কোমোৰা
100. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) A very potent variety of tobacco. Its leaves have a nicotine content as high as 9%, whereas Nicotiana tabacum (common tobacco) leaves contain about 1 to 3%. এজাতি অতি চোকা ধঁপাত; ইয়াৰ পাতত প্ৰায় ৯ শতাংশলৈকে নিক’টিন থাকে আৰু আনহাতে সাধাৰণ ধঁপাতত ১-৩ শতাংশহে নিক’টিন থাকে৷
English: East Indian tobaco, Mapacho, Nicotiana rustica, Turkish tobacosci ,
Assamese: মান-ধঁপাত
Assamese: মান-ধঁপাত
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun: Nicotiana Tabacum, tobacco, কলঞ্জ, চাধা, তাম্ৰকূট...
101. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A kind of creeper that secrets nectar when cut. The nectar has alcoholic properties and can be drunk. It is believed that the growth of the leaves are governed by the waxing and waning of the moon. এবিধ লতা, কাটিলে ঔ-লতাৰ নিচিনা পানী ওলায়৷ এই ৰস ৰাগিয়াল আৰু মানুহে খাৱ পাৰে৷ চন্দ্ৰকলাৰ হ্ৰাস বৃদ্ধিৰ লগত ইয়াৰ পাত সৰি পৰে আৰু গজে৷
102. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a kind of wild plant. Its long thin seeds clasping to the human and animals. এবিধ বনৰীয়া ক্ষুদ্ৰ গছ৷ ইয়াৰ লতাৰ দৰে গুটি(বন গুটিৰ লেখিয়া)লগা চিৰাবোৰ মানুহ বা জীৱ-জন্তুৰ গাত লাগিলে সাবটি ধৰে বাবে এই নাম ৷
103. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A plant having long, sword-shaped leaves and a pungent, aromatic rootstock. তৰোৱালৰ দৰে পাত থকা উগ্ৰ গোন্ধযুক্ত এবিধ উদ্ভিদ৷
104. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) an enlarged, fleshy, bulblike base of a stem, as in the crocus উদ্ভিদৰ মাটিৰ তলত থকা মঙহাল, শকত কাণ্ড, যেনেঃ ওল
105. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a slender stolon that runs along the surface of the ground and sends out roots and leaves at the nodes, as in the strawberry উদ্ভিদৰ মাটিৰ ওপৰে-ওপৰে বগাই যোৱা কাণ্ড, যাৰ গাঁঠিৰ পৰা শিপা আৰু নতুন পোখা ওলাই একোজোপা সুকীয়া উদ্ভিদৰ জন্ম দিয়ে; যেনেঃ মানিমুনি, টেঙেচি আদি
106. Plants(Verbal Adj.) growing along the ground, a wall, etc., as a plant মাটি, বেৰ আদিত বগাই বাঢ়ি যোৱা (উদ্ভিদ)
107. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Lycoperdon is a genus of puffball mushrooms. The genus has a widespread distribution and contains about 50 species. বেংছতাৰ এটা বিশিষ্ট গণ, যি বহুলভাৱে বিস্তৃত আৰু প্ৰায় ৫০ বিধ প্ৰজাতিৰে গঠিত৷
108. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a kind of paddy that ripens in the month of Kartik কাতি মাহত পকা এবিধ ধান ৷
109. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) This plant is commonly cultivated in gardens throughout India. It is a creeper-like medicinal plant with dark green leaves and small red coloured flowers. ভাৰতৰ সকলো ঠাইতে সাধাৰণতে ফুলৰ বাগিছাত খেতি কৰা, এবিধ ডাঠ-সেউজীয়া লতাচানেকীয়া সৰু সৰু ৰঙা ফুল ধৰা ওষধি উদ্ভিদ৷
110. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A small round-shaped mushroom সৰু গোলাকাৰ একপ্ৰকাৰ কাঠফুলা ৷
111. Plants(Material Noun-Neuter) cotton pod, not fully developed or opened ভালকৈ মেল নোখোৱা বা গেঁঠেলা মাৰি থকা কপাহৰ ফুটা
112. Plants(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) A kind of long, slender herbs similar to that of common reed. But white in colour and softer than reed. It's cotton like flowers are also used in pillow. খাগৰিৰ সদৃশ দীঘল, ডাঙৰ, কিন্তু তাতকৈ কোমল আৰু বগা এবিধ বন৷ তাৰ সূত তুলাই ঢৰা আদি সাজে; তাৰ শুকান ফুলবিলাক প্ৰায় তুলাৰ নিচিনা, আৰু তাক কোনোবে গাৰুত ভৰাই লয়৷
113. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) an Asian perennial plant (Boehmeria nivea) of the nettle family. The strong lustrous bast fiber of ramie capable of being spun or woven; fabric made of ramie often resembling linen or silk এছিয়া মহাদেশৰ বিভিন্ন দেশত, বিশেষকৈ চীনদেশ, মালয়েছিয়া আদিত বিস্তৃতভাৱে খেতি কৰা এবিধ আঁহযুক্ত গছ ৷ ইয়াৰ আঁহ কাপোৰ বোৱাৰ কাৰণে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় আৰু আঁহবোৰ পাট সূতাৰ দৰে হয় ৷
114. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A kind of grass for making caps and other handicrafts. দ মাটিত গজা এবিধ ওখ ঘাহ জাতীয় গছ৷
Assamese: বিৰিণা
115. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A kind of arum which becomes as soft as curd once boiled. সিজালে দৈৰ নিচিনা কোমল হোৱা এবিধ কচু৷
116. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) a species of plant that is found in South Asia. Roots are woody and aromatic. It is used to make beverages and also used in traditional medicine. দক্ষিণ এছিয়াৰ দেশসমূহত উপলভ্য এবিধ বনৰীয়া লতা-জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ ৷ ইয়াৰ টান শিপাবোৰ গন্ধযুক্ত ৷ পৰম্পৰাগতভাৱে ইয়াক পানীয় আৰু আয়ুৰ্বেদিক দৰৱ প্ৰস্তুত কৰাত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷
117. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) Cystopteris is a genus of ferns. They are found in throughout worldwide. It is not an edible species. They are slightly different from diplazium esculentum with its rough and smooth hairy leaf. মিহি শুংযুক্ত পাতৰে এবিধ ঢেকীয়া প্ৰজাতিৰ উদ্ভিদ৷ খাদ্যৰ বাবে অনুপযুক্ত এই উদ্ভিদ বিধ পৃথিৱী ব্যাপি বিস্তৃতহৈ আছে৷
118. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) an annual herb, commonly grows in marshy areas in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South China, Africa, Afghanistan, South Japan, Malaysia. Pungent young shoots are cooked with other shoots. ভাৰত, নেপাল, শ্ৰীলঙ্কা, দক্ষিণ চীন, আফ্ৰিকা, আফগানিস্তান, দক্ষিণ জাপান, মালয়েছিয়া আদি দেশত জেঁকা মাটিত হোৱা এবিধ বনশাক ৷
119. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) a slender, perennial climber that twines around trees, shrubs, and hedges. The plant is best known for its seeds, which are used as beads and in percussion instruments, and which are toxic due to the presence of abrin. ডাঙৰ গছ, জোপোহা আদিত বগোৱা এবিধ লতাজাতীয় উদ্ভিদ৷ ইয়াৰ ৰঙা গুটিবিলাক (ৰটি) মণিৰূপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় আৰু ইবিলাক বিহ ৰূপে জনাজাত৷
English: Abrus precatorious, Crab’s eye, Indian licorice, Jequirity, John Crow Bead, Precatory bean, Rosary pea,
Assamese: কাঁচমণি, লাটুমণি, লাতুৰমণি
Assamese: কাঁচমণি, লাটুমণি, লাতুৰমণি
120. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a spicy plant having many medicinal uses in Ayurvedic and allopathic medicinal systems. আয়ুৰ্বেদিক আৰু আধুনিক চিকিৎসা বিজ্ঞানত ব্যৱহৃত বহু ঔষধত প্ৰয়োগ কৰা এবিধ মচলা-জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ।
English: Indian crocus, Kaempferia galanga, Kaempferia rotunda, Peacock ginger, Round-rooted galangale,
Assamese: ভূঁইচম্পা, ভূমিচম্পা
Assamese: ভূঁইচম্পা, ভূমিচম্পা
121. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A kind of tree that mainly grows on newly formed alluvial land rivers and by the coastal areas. These plants are mainly found as green, branchlets shrub or small tree. It is distributed in the coast forests of Eastern India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma, Malay and Andamans. এবিধ ছিৰলী পাতেৰে নৈৰ দাঁতিত হোৱা গছ
122. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) a poisonous climbing plant, native to India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, with ash-colored corky bark. The flowers has fruits that are round and kidney shaped. The berries of this plant were scattered in streams by indigenous people to stun the fish so that they are easier to catch. It is used as a homeopathy medicine. ভাৰত, মালয়েছিয়া, ইন্দোনেছিয়া আৰু শ্ৰীলঙ্কা আদি দেশত পোৱা এবিধ বিষাক্ত লতাজাতীয় গছ ৷ ইয়াৰ ফল গোলাকাৰ আৰু বৃক্ক আকৃতিৰ ৷ ইয়াৰ বিষাক্ত গুটি মাছ ধৰাৰ সুবিধাৰ বাবে পানীত বিহ দিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হৈছিল ৷ ইয়াক হোমিওপেথিক দৰব হিছাপেও ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷
123. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) a creeper, cultivated in various parts of India and Malayasia. Its roots and fruits
find numerous applications in medicine, and are particularly useful in asthma, bronchitis, fever, and pain in abdomen etc. পাণৰ সদৃশ এবিধ লতাজাতীয় গছ; ভাৰত আৰু মালয়েছিয়াৰ বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলত খেতি কৰা হয় ৷ ইয়াৰ শিপা আৰু ফল ঔষধি গুণযুক্ত আৰু হাপানী, জ্বৰ, পেটৰ বিষ আদিৰ চিকিৎসাত ব্যৱহৃত হয় ৷
124. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) This is a cultivar of the white stem Malabar spinach (Basella alba L.) differing only by its red stem. পাচলিৰূপে খোৱা পূৰৈ শাকৰ এটা প্ৰকাৰ, যাৰ লতা-জাতীয় গা-গছডাল ৰঙচুৱা বৰণৰ
English: Basella alba L. ’Rubra’ sci , red vine spinach, Red-stemmed Malabar spinach, Red-stemmed vine spinach,
Assamese: ৰঙা পূৰৈ, ৰঙা পূৰৈশাক
Assamese: ৰঙা পূৰৈ, ৰঙা পূৰৈশাক
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun-Common: Basella Alba, Basella alba L., Ceylon spinach, Indian spinach, Malabar Spinach...
125. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) Amaranth is a general name, quite equivalent to vetch, clover or mustard. For our present purposes, the common summertime weed of local gardens may be called Green Amaranth. Other names applied to it include Redroot, Beet-root, Redroot Amaranth, and Pigweed.
126. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A plant used in Chinese medicine.
127. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a plant that grows naturally throughout the Northern Hemisphere. খিচনিত হোৱা এবিধ ঘাঁহ আৰু তাৰ ৰঙা গুটি৷
128. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) a vegetable related to onion. In Manipur, India, it is locally known as 'maroi nakuppi' and are widely used in Manipuri Cuisine dishes like Ooti and various others. গোন্ধত নহৰুৰ সৈতে মিল থকা এবিধ বন, যাৰ পাত আৰু ঠাৰি মছলা ৰূপে আঞ্জাত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷
129. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) a kind of grass commonly occurring in swampy areas, rice field and wetlands. চেপেটা, দীঘল পাতযুক্ত, দ ঠাইত হোৱা এবিধ বন৷
130. Plants(Common Noun-Common) The green variety of Basella ALba সেইজীয়া পুৰৈশাক

Dimasa: miphrai guphu
131. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A variety of Banana found in the wild. এবিধ বনৰীয়া কল|
English: Musa balbisiana, wild banana,
Assamese: বনৰীয়া কল,
Dimasa: laidi, lailem, lairang, laishremdi, laiyung
Assamese: বনৰীয়া কল,
Dimasa: laidi, lailem, lairang, laishremdi, laiyung
132. Plants(Material Noun-Neuter) A place or area covered by the thatching grass.
133. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) A perennial grass that run on wet ground, or float on water. It has value as a cool or dry season forage in seasonally inundated land, and can also be cut for silage. পানীত ওপঙি থকা অথবা দ ঠাইত হোৱা এবিধ ঘাঁহ ৷ বৰষুণ নোহোৱা খৰালি দিনত গৰু-ম’হৰ খাদ্য ৰূপেও ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷
English: bamboo grass, hymenachne, Hymenachne amplexicaulis, water straw grass, west Indian marsh grass,
Assamese: দল, দলঘাঁহ
Assamese: দল, দলঘাঁহ
134. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) an evergreen tropical shrub or small tree. Its leaves are glossy green in colour. It bears funnel-shaped yellow flowers. Contains a milky sap containing a compound called thevetin that is used as a heart stimulant but in its natural form is extremely poisonous, as are all parts of the plants, especially the seeds. গ্ৰীষ্ম-প্ৰধান অঞ্চলত হোৱা এবিধ সৰু জোপোহা গছ; ইয়াৰ পাতবোৰ জোঙা, দীঘলীয়া, মিহি আৰু সেউজীয়া বৰণৰ; ফুলবোৰ হালধীয়া ৰঙৰ ৷সেউজীয়া গা-গছৰ পৰা বগা ৰঙৰ এবিধ আঠা ওলায়, যি বিষাক্ত৷
135. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a new growth from a germinating seed of a young cane. বেত গছৰ নতুনকৈ গজা কোমল অংশ
136. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A large tree with whitish flower found in Asia and America. এবিধ ডাঙৰ আওকাঠি গছ
137. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a plant adapted to a very dry climate or habitat, or to conditions where moisture is scarce. মৰুভূমি দৰে শুকান পৰিবেশত খাপ খাই পৰা সৰু গছ৷
138. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) One of the largest genera of carnivorous plants, with at least 194 species. এবিধ পতংগভোজী উদ্ভিদ৷ খেতি পথাৰত দেখা যায়৷
139. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A widespread species of flowering plant in the sunflower family. It is native to South America and introduced into Eurasia, Africa, Australia, and North America. আঘোন অহাৰ লগে লগে শালি মাটিত পোৱা এবিধ সৰু উদ্ভিদ৷
140. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Saussurea obvallata is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae. It is native to the Himalayas and Uttarakhand, India, northern Burma and southwest China. In the Himalayas, it is found at an altitude of around 4500 m.
হিমালয়ৰ দৰে ওখ ঠাইসমূহত পোৱা উদ্ভিদ৷ পৌৰাণিক ভাৰতীয় উপাখ্যানত ঘনাই উল্লেখ আছে৷
141. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A species of Abroma (Malvaceae). It has dark red flowers with an characteristic and unusual appearance. It is widely distributed in Asia. It was previously thought to grow in north Queensland but the most recent survey did not find it. চাপৰ ডাঠ ৰঙা ফুল ফুলা জোপোহা গছ৷
142. Plants(Common Noun-Common) An annual, variable, erect, ascendant under shrub and measuring up to 0.5 to 2.5 meters tall. The stems are covered with minute star-like hairs and often tinged purple. ০.৫খন পৰা ২.৫ মিটাৰমান ওখ ফুল ফুলা জোপোহা গছ৷
143. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Eggplant or aubergine is a species of nightshade grown for its edible fruit. It is known in South Asia, Southeast Asia and South Africa as brinjal. বেঙেনাৰ এটা প্ৰজাতি৷
144. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A species of flowering plant in the hibiscus family, Malvaceae, that is native to the Southeastern United States, Mexico, Central America, and South America. জৱা ফুলৰ এবিধ প্ৰজাতি৷ অসমত সহজতে উপলব্ধ৷
145. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Cleome hassleriana, commonly known as spider flower, spider plant, or pink queen, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Cleome of the family Cleomaceae, native to southern South America in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and southeast Brazil.
এবিধ শাক।
146. Plants(Common Noun-Common) An aroid distributed throughout India. This strange plant has very narrow 3 ft flower heads emerging before leaves in spring, then unfurl into only kind of narrow, with intricate maroon and cream patterning. কচু শাকৰ এক প্ৰজাতি৷
147. Plants(Proper Noun-Neuter) A species of Calotropis native to Cambodia, It has clusters of waxy flowers that are either white or lavender in colour.
সংস্কৃতত ‘অৰ্ক’ ফুল বুলি কয়, ইয়াৰ দুটা প্ৰজাতি আছে, শিৱৰ উপাসনাৰ বাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে, কামদেৱৰ পাচ শৰৰ ভিতৰত আকনৰ ৰস সনা শৰ বিধো আছে৷ কামদেৱৰ বন্দনাত ইয়াৰ বৰ্ননা আছে৷
148. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Artabotrys hexapetalus, also known as manoranjini is a shrub found in India and its flowers are renowned for its exotic fragrance. The yellow colored flowers of this plant are very fragrant. উগ্ৰ আৰু সুগন্ধৰে ভৰা ফুল ফুলা গছ বিশেষ৷
149. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A species of flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, that is native to the American tropics, most likely Mexico and Central America. It is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, becoming naturalized in some areas. It is used to produced bio-diesel.
ফুল ফুলা সৰু গছ৷ জৈৱিক ইন্ধন প্ৰস্তুতৰ বাবে ব্যৱহ্যত হৈছিল৷
150. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A shrub flowering plant.
ফুল ফুলা সৰু গছ৷ অসমৰ লোক সাহিত্যত ঘনাই উল্লেখিত নাম৷
151. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Ageratum conyzoides is native to Tropical America, especially Brazil, and considered an invasive weed in many other regions. Herb 0.5–1 m. high, with ovate leaves 2–6 cm long, and flowers are white to mauve.
এবিধ বন৷
152. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) Acmella oleracea is a species of flowering herb in the family Asteraceae. Common names include toothache plant, paracress and electric daisy. In Brazil it is called jambu.
শাক জাতীয় গছ৷ মূখৰ ভিতৰত ঘাঁ বা জিভাত গুটি উঠিলে ফুল টো চোবাই লগালে ভাল হয় ৷ পাত বোৰ শাকৰ দৰে খাব পাৰি।
153. Plants(Common Noun-Common) Achyranthes aspera is a species of plant in the Amaranthaceae family. It is distributed throughout the tropical world. It can be found in many places growing as an introduced species and a common weed.
এবিধ বন৷
154. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A plant genus of the family Clusiaceae native to Asia, Australia, tropical and southern Africa, and Polynesia. ঠেকেৰা জাতীয় ফলেৰে সৈতে এজোপা গছ আৰু ফল৷
155. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) big cord grass, and salt reed-grass, is an Old World perennial grass, long known and used in human history. বৈদিক পূজা পাৰ্বণত ব্যৱহাৰ হৈ অহা এবিধ ওখ প্ৰজাতিৰ ঘাঁহ৷
156. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) Phragmites is a genus of four species of large perennial grasses found in wetlands throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world. নৈৰ পাৰত বনৰীয়াভাৱে গজা ওখ বন জাতীয় গছ বিশেষ৷
English: phragmites karka,
Assamese: খাগৰি,
Karbi: hakiri
b. Common Noun: elephant grass, giant reed, Grass of lucky augury, Poa cynosuroides Retzius, ravennagrass...
Assamese: খাগৰি,
Karbi: hakiri
Related Idea:
a. Common Noun-Neuter: arundo donax, নল...b. Common Noun: elephant grass, giant reed, Grass of lucky augury, Poa cynosuroides Retzius, ravennagrass...
157. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a species of the mallow genus Malva in the family of Malvaceae found in East Asia. লফা শাক
158. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) a hard yellow pear-shaped fruit
নাচপতিৰ দৰে এবিধ ফল
159. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a plant that produces flowers, fruit, and seeds.
যি উদ্ভিদৰ ফুল-ফল হয়৷
160. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A plant that belongs to the family Arecaceae. There are over 150 species of coconuts that can be found in 80 different countries throughout the world. Coconut tree grows only in the tropical climate. This plant live on the sandy soil, requires a lot of sunlight and regular rainfalls.
161. Plants(Common Noun-Common) A feathery palm that grows to approximately 1.5 m in height and is widely cultivated in tropical India, Bangladesh, Japan, Sri Lanka, south China, the East Indies, the Philippines, and parts of Africa. The tropical palm trees bear fruit all year. The nut may be used fresh, dried, or cured by boiling, baking, or roasting.
162. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a shrub with fragrant flowers found wild in southern India, Burma and the Andaman.
163. Plants(Common Noun-Common) an evergreen shrub that provides us with black, white, yellow, and green tea.
164. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A plant of mustard family with yellow flowers from which edible oil and animal food are produced
165. Plants(Common Noun-Common) the tree that bears cacao seeds, which are contained in large, oval pods that grow on the trunk. It is now cultivated mainly in West Africa
166. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a plant whose grain is used for food
167. Plants(Abstract Noun) (A plant) that bears fruit once in their lifetime.
মাথোঁ এবাৰ ফল বা ফুল দি মৰি যোৱা গছ৷
168. Plants(Common Noun-Common) a deciduous tree native to India and to southeast Asia. It is a medium-sized tree in the family Loganiaceae that grows in open habitats.
169. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) A kind of shrub that grows primarily in wet tropical regions including Assam, adjoining states of northeast India and Nepal. এবিধ সৰু জোপোহাজাতীয় উদ্ভিদ৷ সাধাৰণতে অসম আৰু দাঁতি-কাষৰীয়া ৰাজ্যসমূহ, নেপাল আদি উষ্ণ আৰু আৰ্দ্ৰ জলবায়ু অঞ্চলত পোৱা যায়৷
170. Plants(Proper Adj.-Neuter) growing thickly ঘনকৈ হোৱা
171. PlantsUtricularia, commonly and collectively called the bladderworts, is a genus of carnivorous plants consisting of approximately 233 species (precise counts differ based on classification opinions; a 2001... from
172. Plants(Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) an aromatic Mediterranean plant of the parsley family, the leaves and seeds of which are used as culinary herbs.
173. Plants(Material Noun-Neuter) pseudostem (false trunk),made up of overlapping leaf sheaths.
174. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) Bamboo leaves are medium to large in size and are long and lanceolate in shape tapering to a sight point opposite the stem end.
175. Plants(Common Noun-Neuter) beans that have been treated with beneficial bacteria to create a food product
176. Plants(Noun-Neuter) a plant whose leaves, seeds, etc. are used in medicine or in cooking.