kyrtengLa aid

la (Karbi)
Contributed by: Mridugunjana Shivam on 2024-11-30
2. (Pronoun) Denotes a person or thing; use to indicate the person/object which is nearer. মানুহ অথবা আন কোনো বস্তুক নিৰ্দিষ্টকৈ বুজাবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ হয়; সাধাৰণতে নিকটবৰ্তী জন/টোক বুজোৱা হয় ৷
English: it,
Assamese: , ইয়াক, এওঁক,
Bodo: बे, बै,
Garo: ia,
Karbi: la,
Kok-Borok: Obo,
Nagamese: eito, ettu,
TAI-Ahom: মান্, মুন,
Hindi: यह

Contributed by: মৰ্ণিংকে ফাংচ` (Morningkeey Phangcho) on 2009-03-06
3. (Pronoun) refers to an item close to the speaker. বক্তাৰ ওচৰত থকা বস্তুক সূচোৱা শব্দ।
English: this,
Assamese: -ও, ইদং, এইpfx , এইটো, এহি, এহু,
Bodo: नैबे,
Mising: ide, isi, side,
Garo: iakai,
Meeteilon: asee,
Karbi: la,
Nagamese: ei, eita, ito, utu,
Dimasa: ebo,
Apatani: siika,
TAI-Ahom: আন নাই, নী,
Hindi: इस,
Bangla: এই,
Nepali: यो,
Rabha: একায়,
Hajong: ইদৗ

la (Ao)
Contributed by: Temsunungsang T on 2008-03-01
4. (Pronoun-Feminine) the female person or animal being discussed or last mentioned আলোচিত বা আগেয়ে উল্লেখিত স্ত্ৰীলিঙ্গৰ মানুহ বা জন্তু
English: she,
Assamese: তাই,
Bodo: बियो,
Khasi: ka,
Meeteilon: mahak(Nupi),
Mizo (Lushai): a,
Kok-Borok: Bo,
Nagamese: tai, tar,
Ao: la,
Hindi: वह,
Bangla: তাইsyl , তিনি, সে,
Deori: বা,
TAI-Turung: khi,
Singpho: khi

Higher Magnitude:

a. Pronoun-Common: তেওঁ, তেখেত, উনি, তিনি...

Opp. Gender:

b. Pronoun-Masculine: he, তেওঁ, তেৰা, সি, बियो...

la (TAI-Khamti)
Contributed by: Sushmita Das on 2024-12-02
5. Abstract Noun(Abstract Noun) the event of occuring sth later or slower than expected or desired. আশা কৰাতকৈ বা বিছৰাতকৈ কোনো কাম পিছত বা লাহে-লাহে হোৱা

la (Singpho) [ IPA: la]
Contributed by: Sabin Saikia on 2024-11-29
6. (Common Noun-Masculine) An adult male human being, as distinguished from a woman. মানুহৰ দুই লিঙ্গৰ বিশেষকৈ শাৰীৰিকভাৱে সৱলজন ৷

From random website.
English: man,
Assamese: গভুৰা, নৰ, পুৰুষ, মতামানুহ, মনিচ, মনুজ, মানুহ, মুনিষ, মুনিহ,
Bodo: मानसि,
Mising: ami, tani,
Khasi: u briew, u rangbah,
Meeteilon: mee, nupa,
Karbi: arleng, monit,
Kok-Borok: chwla,
Nagamese: manuh, muta,
Dimasa: miyah,
Hindi: आदमी, पुरुषों,
Bangla: মান,
Tiwa: libing,
Deori: মুকাগু, মোচি, মৌচি,
Santali: herel,
TAI-Phake: phu chai,
TAI-Khamti: kawn,
Singpho: la,
Tutsa: miwa

Opp. Gender:

a. Common Noun-Feminine: woman, women, অংগনা, অবলা, অৰ্ধ আকাশ...
b. Common Noun-Feminine: woman, women, অংগনা, অবলা, অৰ্ধ আকাশ...

la (Tutsa) [ IPA: lə]
Contributed by: Gaurab Bora on 2024-11-27
7. Anatomy(Common Noun-Neuter) the part of the lower limb in humans between the knee and the ankle. ভৰিৰ সৰু গাঁঠিৰ ওপৰ আৰু আঁঠুৰ তলৰভাগ।

English: leg, shank,
Assamese: অধমাংগ, কদম, ঠেং, পাৱ, ভৰি,
Bodo: आथिं,
Mising: alae, ale, alou, lettig,
Khasi: ka jingkyrshan, ka pung kjat,
Garo: ja.a, ja.chok, ja’a,
Meeteilon: khong,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: জাঙ,
Mizo (Lushai): ke,
Karbi: akeng, keng,
Hmar: ke,
Nagamese: bhori, theng, thing,
Dimasa: Iga, yateb, yathong, yegah,
Chakma: teng,
TAI-Ahom: টিন্,
Nepali: खुट्टा,
Tiwa: yathong,
Deori: আপাচু,
Santali: jaṅga,
TAI-Phake: tin,
TAI-Khamti: in,
TAI-Turung: logong,
Singpho: lagong,
Tutsa: la

Related Idea:

a. Material Noun-Neuter: thigh, উৰু, ঊৰত, ঊৰু, কৰঙণ...