rythmsa ase

sa (English) [ IPA: sa ASM: চা]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2011-10-04
1. Music(Abstract Noun) the first of the seven primary sounds of Indian (classical) music. ভাৰতীয় (শাস্ত্ৰীয়)সংগীতৰ সুৰ-সপ্তকৰ (মূল সাতটা স্বৰ)প্ৰথমটো৷ সপ্ত-সুৰঃ চা, ৰে, গা, মা, পা, ধা, নি
English: sa,
Assamese: চা, চাদজা

sa (Garo)
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2008-01-19
2. (Abstract Noun) the number representing singularity এটা বুজোৱা সংখ্যা বা দুইতকৈ সৰু গোটা সংখ্যাটো
English: one,
Assamese: এক,
Bodo: से,
Mising: abor, ako,
Khasi: iwei, kawei, wei,
Garo: ge.sa, sa,
Meeteilon: ama,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: এক,
Mizo (Lushai): khat, Pakhat,
Karbi: isi,
Kok-Borok: Sa,
Hmar: khat, pakhat,
Nagamese: ek, ekta,
Dimasa: se,
Apatani: ako,
TAI-Ahom: ল্যুঙ্,
Hindi: एक,
Nepali: एक, ,
Tiwa: kisha,
Deori: গুজা ,
Hajong: এক, একং,
Santali: mit́,
TAI-Khamti: unlaing,
TAI-Turung: ai,
Singpho: ai ma,
Tutsa: esit

Different POS:

a. Abstract Noun: concord, oneness, solidarity, unity, অভিন্নতা...
b. Verbal Adj.: integrated, united, একগোট, একজানি, একজোট...
c. Verb-Intran.: join, unite, একগোট হ, একজোঁট হ, একলগ হ...

sa (Mizo (Lushai)) [ IPA: sa]
Contributed by: Parthajyoti Buragohain on 2024-11-27
3. (Verb-Intran.) To utter a series of words or sounds in musical tones এলানি শব্দ বা ধ্বনি সুৰ লগাই উচ্চাৰণ কৰা
English: sing,
Assamese: গা, গীত পৰিৱেশন কৰ্,
Bodo: खन, मेथाइ खन, मेथाइ रोजाब,
Khasi: rwai,
Garo: mikoa, ring’a,
Meeteilon: sakpa,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: এলা দেনা,
Mizo (Lushai): sa,
Karbi: kelun,
Kok-Borok: rwchab,
Nagamese: ga, gawa,
Dimasa: rajab,
Tiwa: roja

Different POS:

a. Abstract Noun: song, গাথা, গান, গীত, গীতি...

Related Idea:

b. Common Noun-Masculine: singer, vocalist, কণ্ঠশিল্পী, গাওঁতা, গানুৱা...

Sa (Kok-Borok)
Contributed by: Bonnie Debbarma on 2008-12-09
4. (Abstract Noun) the number representing singularity এটা বুজোৱা সংখ্যা বা দুইতকৈ সৰু গোটা সংখ্যাটো
English: one,
Assamese: এক,
Bodo: से,
Mising: abor, ako,
Khasi: iwei, kawei, wei,
Garo: ge.sa, sa,
Meeteilon: ama,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: এক,
Mizo (Lushai): khat, Pakhat,
Karbi: isi,
Kok-Borok: Sa,
Hmar: khat, pakhat,
Nagamese: ek, ekta,
Dimasa: se,
Apatani: ako,
TAI-Ahom: ল্যুঙ্,
Hindi: एक,
Nepali: एक, ,
Tiwa: kisha,
Deori: গুজা ,
Hajong: এক, একং,
Santali: mit́,
TAI-Khamti: unlaing,
TAI-Turung: ai,
Singpho: ai ma,
Tutsa: esit

Different POS:

a. Abstract Noun: concord, oneness, solidarity, unity, অভিন্নতা...
b. Verbal Adj.: integrated, united, একগোট, একজানি, একজোট...
c. Verb-Intran.: join, unite, একগোট হ, একজোঁট হ, একলগ হ...

sa (Nagamese)
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-07-16
5. (Verb-Trans.) to intentionally bring sth in visual contact চকুৰে নিৰীক্ষণ কৰ্

Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-07-16
6. (Abstract Noun) a dark figure or image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light পোহৰক বাধা দিয়া কোনো বস্তুৰ পিছফালে মজিয়াত বা আন কোনো পৃষ্ঠত পৰা ক’লা প্ৰতিচ্ছবি

ফটো:- পংকজ জ্যোতি মহন্ত
English: shade, shadow,
Assamese: ছাঁ, ছাঁয়া,
Bodo: सायहा,
Mising: do:nyum, ugyum, yalo,
Khasi: ka syrngiew,
Meeteilon: mamba,
Mizo (Lushai): daihlim,
Karbi: aharchi, atibin, bin, tebin,
Nagamese: chaya, sa,
Dimasa: sainkhlim, shigring, sigring,
Hindi: छाया,
Tiwa: ondal,
Deori: আমু, চাতিৰিং,
Hajong: ছায়না,
TAI-Khamti: ngao,
TAI-Turung: N’gau,
Singpho: shingnang

sa (Tiwa)
Contributed by: Biki Bordoloi on 2012-05-14
7. (Common Noun-Masculine) a male child or person in relation to his parents. পিতৃ-মাতৃৰ পুৰুষ সন্তান।

sa (TAI-Khamti) [ IPA: sa]
Contributed by: Sushmita Das on 2024-11-25
8. (Material Noun-Neuter) a container made of cane or bamboo বাঁহেৰে নিৰ্মাণ কৰা পাত্ৰ ৷

sa (Tutsa) [ Roman: sa]
Contributed by: Gaurab Bora on 2024-11-22
9. (Verb-Trans.) to take into the mouth and swallow খোৱা বস্তু মুখৰ ভিতৰলৈ নি চোবা আৰু গিল্
English: eat,
Assamese: খা, খাইছিল, ভুঞ্জ, ভোজন কৰ্, সেৱন কৰ্,
Bodo: जा, जादो,
Mising: do, dolik, donam,
Khasi: bam,
Garo: cha.a, cha’a,
Meeteilon: Chaba,
Mizo (Lushai): ei,
Karbi: cho, kecho,
Kok-Borok: chah,
Hmar: fak,
Nagamese: kha,
Dimasa: jih,
Bangla: খাওয়া,
Nepali: खानु,
Rabha: ছা,
Tiwa: cha`,
Deori: হাকু, হাবে,
TAI-Khamti: kin,
TAI-Turung: sha,
Singpho: sha ai,
Tutsa: sa

Different POS:

a. Proper Adj.: eatable, edible, esculent, ভক্ষণীয়, ভক্ষ্য...

Contributed by: Gaurab Bora on 2024-11-13
10. (Common Noun-Common) each of the twenty-four-hour periods, reckoned from one midnight to the next, into which a week, month, or year is divided, and corresponding to a rotation of the earth on its axis
English: day,
Tutsa: sa